Supplier shall not subcontract work requirements of this PO other than finishing (plating, paint, marking) without specific approval from THALES on a VIR. Agora was designed to streamline and augment the traditional capital introduction process, not de-humanize it.

Access to the portal : Space Portal. Please consult this support plan for further information about your entitlements, including the hours when telephone support is available to you.You require an account to access the Customer Support Portal. Thales in the UK engages with suppliers and supply chains from around the world, but around 85% of them are right here in the UK.

Sustainability in the Supply Chain. To get access to our Supplier Payment System please contact our Thales Avionics. As a Technology provider, Thales had to propose a simple and direct tool in order to develop a mean to communicate more efficiently with our Suppliers. Harvest is a multi-broker online portal for middle-to-back office straight-through solutions. Thales Customer Support operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Thales supplier portal Siemens Supplier Portal. Partner Services in DPoD.

There's a signature of a good practices charter between principals and SMEs​.

Welcome on Thales Supplier Portal ! Thank you.….If you encounter a problem while installing, registering, or operating the product, please refer to the documentation before contacting support.

Within its supplier policy, Thales has the duty to respect laws and regulations; and require the same from its suppliers.

Ce lien vous proposera de renseigner votre Thales Group Identifier (TGI).

Your suggested change has been received.

Supplier relationships are handled in an equitable manner for the interest of both Parties. BROKERAGE AUTOMATION PORTAL.

Its policy has two main strands , which are the Supplier Selection and the Supplier Performance Management.  And finally Thales has the ambition to become a Preferred and Reliable Partner for its Strategic SuppliersThales is continuously seeking for optimizing its Supplier Base while retaining those Suppliers demonstrating continuous Performance and Competitiveness.

The AirSupply collaborative hub helps manufacturers and suppliers to gain visibility, as well as ensure control and integration for critical business processes. Click here.

Within its supplier policy, Thales has the duty to respect laws and regulations; and require the same from its suppliers. Thales Canada will leverage this expertise to deliver a proven service model tailored for Canada.As the prime contractor for AJISS, Thales will leverage its extensive Canadian capabilities in knowledge transfer, project management, systems engineering and integrated logistics support to provide comprehensive in-service support for all systems and equipment of the AOPS and JSS fleets over their operational lifetime.If you require further information, please send an email to *** Warning you are attempting to access a private system. As a Technology provider, Thales had to propose a simple and direct tool in order to develop a mean to communicate more efficiently with our Suppliers. Supplier relationships are handled in an equitable manner for the interest of both Parties. Si vous utilisez cette application pour la première fois ou si vous ne vous souvenez pas de votre mot de passe, cliquez sur l'URL ci-dessous pour initialiser votre mot de passe.

Additional local telephone support numbers are listed on the support portal.You can also contact technical support by email at

There's a signature of a good practices charter between principals and SMEs​. This link will provide a field for entering your Thales Group Identifier (TGI number).

Its policy has two main strands , which are the Supplier Selection and the Supplier Performance Management.  And finally Thales has the ambition to become a Preferred and Reliable Partner for its Strategic SuppliersThales is continuously seeking for optimizing its Supplier Base while retaining those Suppliers demonstrating continuous Performance and Competitiveness.

the FAI to the TDSI portal per instructions provided on OT16-008 FAI Cover Sheet.

Core Capabilities ///// Defense and Federal customers use Thales-designed innovative solutions for the ground tactical, airborne and avionics, naval/maritime, and security domains.

We spend around £750 million a year with our suppliers. "You will be able to discover Thales Group Purchasing Organisation, our Supplier Relation as well as Thales Quality."

Supplier Innovation Platform. A proud partner of choice to Canada for the refit, repair, maintenance and training to both Artic and Offshore Patrol Ships (AOPS) and Joint Support Ships (JSS), known as AJISS.The AJISS award builds on Thales’ experience managing in-service support for systems onboard every major Royal Canadian Navy platform for the past 50 years, including Victoria-class submarines, Kingston-class maritime coastal defence vessels, Iroquois-class destroyers and Halifax-class frigates.With our extensive experience providing ISS to navies around the world and our award-winning expertise serving the Royal Australian Navy, Thales has become a leading deliverer of ISS performance based frameworks within relational contracting environments.

The Partner service tile is not a Thales offering. If you cannot resolve the issue, contact your supplier or Thales Customer Support. As a Technology provider, Thales had to propose a simple and direct tool in order to develop a mean to communicate more efficiently with our Suppliers.The Thales Purchasing Strategy is driven by the trends in its markets (aerospace, civil and defence).

Sustainability in the Supply Chain.