0000157065 00000 n 0000262436 00000 n 0000004309 00000 n death” in Latin. Obviously, the nature of public health problems at post-mortem meat inspection …
0000009254 00000 n 0000021648 00000 n
Topic 7. 0000065037 00000 n
0000006161 00000 n Abattoir post-mortem conditions guide. Elle a un rôle plus que jamais éminent depuis les ravages de l'ESB ( encéphalopathie spongiforme bovine ), en particulier. �( {�#i��絗!��+%9���.��Y@g�v����- rFS1�z������j �ޑ%�X�l]$���A�a�E��A���x�:���$�*::���;@�4 �AII D hޔSmk�0�+�qcdz�l(�$k�@�h^:��&Zb���V��������`+�t��sϝee3�l"�8ap 9�%h�a�&��зa�8�?�..�`2�߾lްۺ���� �svw���߀`�����ƷZ6{9v�N����}ʫ]^��O�DH��S����u�"�V��?\�b��`s�~�.ғR�q�-(��u���y�8$����P�*�~_�/_�O�*�v��'F~H�[�lq}��/�u�ް.7)6�M��ݹSr=v��l}Y�ն�q��u��d7�!� �u��H�Z�/G��U�������챨U[���E����7�����A-]�Dh˦ǧHbf8�jVϫ��@'��X����v)5��帡�hl2�H�g��Z90�Z����?���luN�6Nc=�7 JX�U6Ә� �8T�r�$�Z��a��,�J�����Q`9�p��Ȩkr:� Of\��fV&�EN^g&�x3��2��.qfI��V��� o.
Topic 10. 0000155378 00000 n 2549 51 The information in this booklet was compiled by Ouafa Doxon with the help of Katie Brian, Liz Genever, Mary Vickers, Liz Ford and Phil Hadley, AHDB Beef & Lamb. H��WK�#7��u�%J��uYY� F&YLO0��y��rUu�3�,e=K���G������$�,o�/�����o��H5���T*A���? Carcass Examination. Urine color is often related to the urine concentration or is due to the presence of pigmented chemicals. 0000004040 00000 n 0000065774 00000 n
Manuel des méthodes d’inspection des abattoirs. 0000198435 00000 n 0000022321 00000 n Topic 13. 0000004535 00000 n
0000016061 00000 n
0000009170 00000 n 0000010406 00000 n
0000002823 00000 n 0000010267 00000 n 852/ 2004 and 853/2004 ; verifying that specified risk … 0000005193 00000 n trailer Ante and postmortem inspection can be objectively carried out with this system, although hygiene could be somewhat compromised. 0000000016 00000 n Toutefois, pour tenir compte d'habitudes alimentaires particulières, d'évolutions technologiques ou de situations sanitaires spécifiques, le vétérinaire officiel peut autoriser que les carcasses de solipèdes domestiques, de bovins âgés de plus de huit mois et de porcs domestiques âgés de plus de cinq semaines qui sont destinées à l'inspection post mortem ne soient pas fendues en deux.Dans les abattoirs de faible capacité ou les établissements de traitement du gibier de faible capacité où moins de 1 000 unités de gros bétail sont manipulées par an, le vétérinaire officiel peut, pour des raisons sanitaires, autoriser la découpe en quartiers des carcasses des solipèdes domestiques adultes, des bovins adultes et du gros gibier sauvage adulte avant l'inspection post mortem.Examens supplémentaires requis lors de l'inspection post mortem Topic 16. Test your knowledge. R���Wwo�wwǠ�����H������Rbn�d �$���M��)��!�O]�iY�ֲ��S��P������iXC�B�$�k�֔ Qph%'+���˨Uk�F5�N{��ȫ���h��C�ģD-��5)p)��+�[�T͚��&�aM��|�$�,ZRж�GN�TȪ!��\�2,��z=�@���3VBHׅB���V�eMH�SGx��)�'��3�:����ϧ?O&���9 �:2UYu�䁢 ��u�j�����&��� �Je�M__�>�w.�.4)]iN�҆��*�!J�s�C��˩#B+H�,�$ac"��Ȉ�DG��`��J51ũ`kk.��٨ �06!c�d��2]�da��̑BɡY���D�� 0000015278 00000 n
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Postmortem inspection covers the inspection of the carcasses and parts of meat used for human food.
Pour assurer cette mission, les services vétérinaires sont présents en permanence au sein des établissements d’abattage. post-mortem health inspection of slaughtered animals; residue sampling; seizure of unfit meat or meat not produced in accordance with food hygiene requirements; health marking of fresh meat; verifying food business operators compliance with food law, in particular the specific requirements of Regulations (EC) No. 0000064649 00000 n The authors of this guide are grateful for Tim Bebbington for his input as the industry representative for this project. 0000065392 00000 n ��CS&�:����*���Cث�݊�K^�amn��N&\?�vm���WG.����䌛��VM��6p�^=^�z�Sjk�H؎,�h�����6CV�V�PR����se [����Y����Li�����Lգȴ�n��f���sJ��%qF�;)���#VC �?�G�⎜�� a�W�"��3����] l7 ����}��p\W�X�K$� ��ʲX�˼c�,�of9�X�����lY��e�ڎeoɏXơ��*G��b}On���l�I�6��mFn���T�)�>��>��>��>Sn������3e�gʾ�ȝ>C�>C�>s����2�a �\�Y!��Un�ѯ���?�n���>�ȼ���츏q9���q�D�Q����&�oD�C�T� 0000064524 00000 n Lately, there has been a widespread recognition that traditional meat inspection protocols, involving detailed inspection of tissues, … Comparative trials of current and revised procedures were conducted at 3 and 4 Australian abattoirs for pigs and cattle respectively. 0000021578 00000 n endstream endobj 344 0 obj <>>>/Lang(en-GB)/Metadata 219 0 R/OpenAction 345 0 R/Outlines 334 0 R/PageLayout/TwoPageRight/PageMode/UseThumbs/Pages 335 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 345 0 obj <> endobj 346 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Tabs/W/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 347 0 obj <>stream Topic 8.
0000028093 00000 n
post-mortem inspection Post-mortem inspection is defined as examination of dressed carcass, their organs including blood immediately after slaughter to produce wholesome meat, in a hygienic manner under adequate amount of light by a qualified meat inspector. 2 155 agents des DDPP (directions départementales de la protection des populations) sont mobilisés sur cette mission. xref 0000031974 00000 n
On the other hand, many new hazards associated with meat have emerged in the meantime.
0000065268 00000 n PODCAST. En 2014, concernant les suites administratives, les services d… 0000066472 00000 n Charles M. Scanlan, DVM, PhD, … Residual pathological changes after inspection and removal of lesions from heads, carcases or … 0000009226 00000 n Carry out post-mortem inspection for animals subject to emergency slaughter outside the slaughterhouse An OV only; this cannot be delegated to a MHI All carcases and offal as soon as possible. 0 LPT 312: Abattoir Practices and Animal Products Technology (1+1) You are currently using guest access Page path ... Post-Mortem Inspection of Calves, Sheep and Goats ... Carcass Identification. Toute non-conformité constatée fait l’objet de suites administratives ou pénales adaptées. %%EOF
0000003886 00000 n 0000001316 00000 n %%EOF
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