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Salut, pour débloqué des skins d'arme je dois faire des double éliminations, seulement j'ai beau en faire ça ne monte pas, est ce un bug ou alors un pb de trad ?Le 05 novembre 2019 à 12:41:32 Sankyr a écrit :Si elles étaient prise en compte j'aurais du débloquer certains skin or se n'est pas le cas :/ Victime de harcèlement en ligne :
Activision makes no guarantees regarding the availability of online play or features, including without limitation GHTV, and may modify or discontinue online services in its discretion without notice. Subscribe for more major sniping tips to improve your quickscoping gameplay. Here’s its in-game description:Dust off your scope of choice and pop in that montage music playlist. this is the BEST SNIPER in MODERN WARFARE (must try!!) arsaki71sang Call of Duty: Modern Warfare only has a few snipers to choose from, but they’re great.
This variant of the weapon comes pre-built with five attachments: the FTAC 488mm Dictator Barrel, Tac Laser, the Cronen C480 Pro Optic, Stippled Grip Tape, and the XRK Mastodon Stock.
*Call of Duty Points (CP) will be accessible in Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® once CP are made available in game. Les chevaliers débarquent dans la box du mois d'Août avec une offre spéciale soldes à ne pas manquer ! Tout support Free for all players who complete its challenge, the Rytec AMR is an anti-material rifle listed within the greater sniper rifle category capable of ripping through enemy equipment and vehicles, let alone infantry. Modérateurs : However, given the weapon’s experimental magazines and other cool configuration options, it’s best to experiment with the Rytec AMR to fully actualize its potential as a fantastic change-of-pace sniper rifle in your loadouts.© 2020 Activision Publishing, Inc. ACTIVISION, CALL OF DUTY, CALL OF DUTY BLACK OPS, GUITAR HERO, GH, SKYLANDERS, SKYLANDERS SUPERCHARGERS, SWAP FORCE, PORTAL OF POWER, LIGHTCORE are trademarks of Activision Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Toutes les vidéos bandes-annonces Season Four Reloaded brought in the big guns – or, literally, a massive sniper rifle – to Multiplayer, Co-Op, and Warzone™. Tout ce qu’il faut savoir sur la nouvelle console de Microsoft We’ve updated our Privacy Policy. Sniper Secrets to use in Call of Duty Modern Warfare! Best Class Setup/Loadout in Call of Duty Modern Warfare!
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