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To learn more or opt-out, read our That blackout affected much of New York City and led to arson and looting in NYC neighborhoodsIn one of those bizarre coincidences that’s almost too strange to be true, the That blackout began around 9:30 p.m. on July 13, 1977, and power wasn’t restored for 25 hours. We've been needlessly subjected to a night of terror in many communities that have been wantonly looted and burned. The costs when finally tallied will be enormous.Because of the power failure, LaGuardia and Kennedy airports were closed down for about eight hours, automobile tunnels were closed because of lack of ventilation, and 4,000 people had to be evacuated from the subway system.
Unlike other blackouts that affected the region, namely the Northeast blackouts of The events leading up to the blackout began at 8:37 p.m. A second lightning strike caused the loss of two 345 At 8:55 p.m., there was another lightning strike at the Sprain Brook substation in At 9:14 p.m., over 30 minutes from the initial event, New York Power Pool Operators in At 9:24 p.m., the ConEdison operator tried and failed to manually shed load by dropping customers. The New York City blackout of 1977 brought the city to its knees. Despite these safeguards, there was On July 13, 2019, on the 42nd anniversary of the event, a Con Edison "New York blackout" redirects here. The blackout lasted for 25 terrible hours. Shea Stadium during the 1977 blackout. Around 7 a.m. on July 14, a section of For much of July 14, most of the television stations in New York City were off the air (as the areas where those TV stations were located were still without power for much of the day), although There is a popular story that during the blackout numerous looters stole DJ equipment from electronics stores, and this helped spark the The blackout also caused complications for the producers of the film The city was eventually given over $11 million by the Beame accused Con Edison of "gross negligence" but would eventually feel the effect himself. The skyline went entirely dark, and the lights went out nearly everywhere: in the It was caused by stress on the system after a series of lightning storms in Westchester County, but “human and mechanical error,” per The impact of the 1977 blackout was felt long after the lights came back on: The blackout cost the city more than $300 million, both directly and indirectly. The city had been in financial and social decline for years. The 1977 blackout that hit New York was a crisis that came amidst a sweltering heat wave, a financial downturn, rising poverty and inequality and an atmosphere of gloom that had already settled on the city. The Blackout has threatened our safety and has seriously impacted our economy. The '77 blackout was a tipping point; the panic saw looting and a surge in arson. A total of 1,037 fires were responded to, including 14 Despite the massive looting and violence that had accompanied it, only one homicide occurred. During that time almost nothing worked in New York except telephones and transistor radios. Photo by Vic DeLucia/New York Post Archives /(c) NYP Holdings, Inc. via Getty Images A view of 34th Street during the 1977 blackout. For the song by The 25 hour outage began around 9:30 p.m. on July 13th, after a bolt of lightning struck an electrical substation in Westchester. The New York City blackout of 1977 was an electricity blackout that affected most of New York City on July 13–14, 1977. Traffic lights went dark, elevators stalled, subways ground to halt. By 10:26 p.m., operators started a restoration procedure. Among the outcomes of the blackout were detailed restoration procedures that are well documented and used in operator training to reduce restoration time. PHOTOS: 40 year anniversary of the 1977 New York City blackout . Lightning knocked out electricity for 25 hours on July 13, 1977…
In just 24 hours, more than $300 million of the property had been damaged. Water became a luxury and air-conditioning a happy memory.