If you do not see a black mark anywhere than you switched up wires that can't get overpowered so check the schematic and plug then in correctly and change the code back from 8888 to 3.141.One method of using a few pins on the arduino to control multiple LEDs that would otherwise require alot of pin is a tri-state 8 pin shift-register. I just went through the library and in the definition for the begin() function I see the parameter "bool resOnSegmentsIn=0" you were talking about. Reply Reply Reply And found it interesting, I fixed the code and made a Fritzing example for all you interested, Good luck!How to drive a seven segment display using only four pins.Tthis project is going to show you how to make Bluetooth led control with lcd beside the Arduino sowing the new led status.In this project I'll show you a simple way to control a 7 Segment Display with a keypad!This library allows an Arduino to easily display numbers and characters on a 4 digit 7-segment display without a separate 7-segment display.What we do in This code is called multiplexing ( I recommend you watch the video t understand it better). If you did get it right, then I suggest reading going further in step seven.Here i have listed two possible things that could have happend to your display that could have messed it up. I opted for putting resistor on the digit pins because it would require less resistors (I.e less $, less work, more organized breadboard). Thanks for the walkthroughI found something interesting about the module. First go into finder and locate the "documents" folder, and open it. If you see any black near one of the pins you did overpower one of the digit places. By combining the TM1637 with a real time clock module (RTC), you can easily create a 24-hour clock. So for a 4-digit display we’ll have 7 pins of the 7 segments, 4 pins of the 4 digits (common terminals) and 1 pin for the decimal point (DP) which means a total of 12 pins. Affichage sur 4 digits 7 segments LED + Arduino j'ai récemment eu un affichage à LED à 4 chiffres 7 segments de Sparkfun et ne pouvait pas attendre pour l'utiliser. 6 weeks ago There are 7 segments used to form any digit while one controls the decimal point. Sadly this IS NOT fixable and you would want to buy another display. (thats my crying face)1. Thanks for the walkthroughI found something interesting about the module. 1 year ago It seems there are some problems with the library. In this tutorial I will be showing you how to use a 7 segment display with 4 digits using arduino. This means each common pin have to be connected to +5V in order to turn on its related digit.In this example to show 2056 on the display we need <= 2055 button presses.Yes you can do that, but you’ve to make some modifications to the code!Any suggestions for setting a prescaler for 2048us and 1024us in use as PWM?Interfacing Arduino with 7-segment display circuit:// enable Timer1 with prescaler = 1 ( 16 ticks each 1 µs) * Interfacing Arduino with common anode 7-segment display// enable Timer1 with prescaler = 1 ( 16 ticks each 1 µs) 8 out of the 12 pins on the display are used for the 8 segments. > I see the parameter "bool resOnSegmentsIn=0" you were talking about. Then, locate the "arduino" folder, and open it.

This technique minimizes number of pins used.So for a 4-digit display we’ll have 7 pins of the 7 segments, 4 pins of the 4 digits (common terminals) and 1 pin for the decimal point (DP) which means a total of 12 pins.The push button which is connected to Arduino A0 pin is used to increment the displayed number.In the circuit there are 4 transistors of the type PNP, the collector of each transistor is connected to common anode pin of 1 digit. ... */ // Pin 2-8 is connected to the 7 segments of the display. I had the 11 and 12 wires switched the wrong way (I accidentally overlooked your warning ;) ) but after switching the two numbers in the code, it works.What if i want to make it into a clock? 4 months ago