!In this configuration can I use the original lcd display of the anet? I am finishing my 3D printer built from scratch. #define TMC_DEBUG
32bit board with …
As I have 5 of these drivers I've tried different ones in different locations, all with no success.Is this a bug with this board, or are there any further checks I should do to test the SPI bus?I've got the exact same setup, except I don't use the stallguard feature of the 2130's yet. This article explains how to configure all different TMC2209 dirvers from different procuders in SKR V1.4 & V1.4 Turbo. Z mechanic end/stop works fine, but X/Y don’t, and i don’t really care to continue using mechanic ones, what should i change on Marlin to continue using mechanical end stops on X/Y?This is a copy of my answer from YT video: If by “don’t move” you mean it hit’s endstop (see console output) you probably just need to invert those endstop status in config file. My printer halted after around 3 hours of printing.
In my case (March 2018) I had to use 1.1.x bugfix Marlin to make everything work properly (mainly quick homing option). Z is traditional, so only min):Your endstop connection is wrong. The problem is that if I plug the driver in, it starts heating up immedialty without anything else connected on the board. #define X_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING true // set to true to invert the logic of the endstop. Define endstops (X and Y are TMC – so they can work on both ends – min and max. So I moved it to D64 and change the pin location in “pins_RAMPS.h” is that ok ? Just use magnifying glasses and good, pointy soldering iron. Have a fine hacking Here is quick example how quiet the printer is, after described modification: * To use TMC2130 stepper drivers in SPI mode connect your SPI2130 pins to * the hardware SPI interface on your board and define the required CS pins * in your `pins_MYBOARD.h` file. You said you got SD Card to work, how is that?Yes I have working SD card reader, but like I wrote it comment above, TFT32 is completely different beast. But now they turn 1/2 as fast. I haven’t used it, but as far I read specs, it uses own protocol to communicate with printer board and it’s computer by itself (has own firmware etc).Thank you soooo much for this tuto, it really helped me. This works for X/Y – since there is frame.Oooh that’s actually quite interesting. For the jumpers, each one marked in purple must be jumped: Did you set the correct driver types ? TMC2130 SPI Mode (SPI jumper open) SDO/CFG0: MISO - Serial Data Output, tpu: SDI/CFG1: MOSI - Serial Data Input, tpu: SCK/CFG2: SCLK - Serial Clock Input, tpu: CS/CFG3: SS - Chip Select Input, tpu: DCEN/CFG4: dcStep Enable Input, tpu (GND=off) DCIN/CFG5: dcStep Gating Input, tpu: DCO: dcStep Ready Output: DIAG0 : Diagnostics Output 0 (50k pull-up to 2.5V) DIAG1: Diagnostics Output 1 (100k … I have all the TMC2130´s in the V1.0 version that is supposed they will not work in SPI mode. What should be a reasonable voltage for the stepper drivers? Thanks for your job supporting the community . According to Octoprints log it was due to short to GND at E0 driver. MKS Gen 1.4 board with TMC2130 and Marlin firmware – howto . I learned from google that it’s a fairly common problem and some speak of being able to just disable sanity checks, but I haven’t heard any successtories yet.Yeh, I used your “Or you can download what I’ve prepared ”. (’cause as far as I understand it without that define it will just poll the interface)It has nothing to do with TMC, but it may with the board you are using. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it.