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However, if there is no bailiff firm in a radius of 75 km from the place of service, service may be made either by a person of full age residing within that radius and designated by the bailiff to act in the bailiff’s name and under the bailiff’s authority, or by any other method of notification best allowing the addressee to be reached. A person who has opted out is not bound by any judgment on the representative plaintiff’s application.A class member who does not discontinue an originating application having the same subject matter as the class action before the time for opting out has expired is deemed to have opted out.At any stage of a class action, the court may order a notice to be published or notified to the class members if it considers it necessary for the protection of their rights. The debtor must also update the information yearly.A debtor is exempt from seizure so long as the voluntary deposit undertaking is complied with: creditors can neither seize the debtor’s property nor sue the debtor. The party may also do so if it disowns the exhibit or document, does not recognize its origin or contests the integrity of the information it contains.A party that intends to contest the origin or integrity of a document must specify, in an affidavit, the facts and grounds that support the party’s claim and make it probable.If the contested document is a semi-authentic act and only a copy has been filed in the record, the party that intends to use the document is required to prove its semi-authentic character. In either case, the record is transferred to the competent court if all parties agree or if the court so orders on its own initiative or on a party’s request.If two or more plaintiffs join together or are represented by the same person in the same judicial application, the Court of Québec has jurisdiction if it would be competent to hear and determine each plaintiff’s application.The monetary jurisdiction limit of the Court of Québec is increased by $5,000 on 1 September of the calendar year following the calendar year in which the total amount resulting from annual adjustment of the indexed limit amount on the basis of the Consumer Price Index for Québec, determined by Statistics Canada, since the last increase is equal to or exceeds $5,000. il n'y a pas de délai justement mais si dans un mois pas de nouvelles de la partie adverse retournez au tribunal mettre la clause exécutoire et saisissez un huissier pour récupérer votre dû In the latter case, the application is also notified to the Minister of Health and Social Services. The defendant must file such a statement and balance sheet at least five days before the presentation date, unless it admits having the resources to pay the amount sought; even when a party admits as much, the court may ask that it produce a statement of property.The parties may make their proof by affidavit. ASSESSMENT BY PSYCHOSOCIAL ASSESSMENT SERVICE Those exemptions are determined on the basis of the monthly amount granted as a social solidarity allowance to single persons under the Individual and Family Assistance Act, which amount is annualized then calculated on a weekly basis by the Minister of Justice, that is, $251.08; for the debtor, the exemption is 125% of the latter amount, that is, $313.85, for the first dependant, 50%, that is, $125.54, and for any other dependant, 25%, that is, $62.77; these figures are updated by the Minister on 1 April each year.C is the seizure percentage, that is, 30%. However, an arbitrator may rule alone on a question of procedure if so authorized by the parties or by all the other arbitrators.The parties, subject to their agreement or unless the arbitrator decides otherwise, are equally liable for the arbitrator’s professional fee and expenses.The arbitrator may, on a party’s request, take any provisional measure or any measure to safeguard the parties’ rights for the time and subject to the conditions the arbitrator determines and, if necessary, require that a suretyship be provided to cover costs and the reparation of any prejudice that may result from such a measure.