He sports a gray In Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, Elio wears a new outfit, he wears a blue sleeveless shirt with a white Poké Ball logo, rather than a short sleeved shirt, he also wears white board shorts with black leggings underneath, red and white shoes and wears a black and red bucket hat. Elio is the male player character in Pokémon Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon. Since they were nameless in the beginning and they later revealed the name. Elio is first greeted by Professor Kukui on his computer. Elio (ヨウ Yoo en japonés) es el personaje masculino de Pokémon Sol, Luna, Ultrasol y Ultraluna. Sun's goal is to earn 100 million yen to pay off his own debt. His appearance is customizable, like that of Calem. Elio recently moved to the Alola region from Kanto with his mother.

During his travels, Elio encounters a group of strange pale people known as the After completing his last island challenge trial, Elio climbs Mount Lanakila to reach the newly established Pokémon League at its summit, re-encountering Necrozma along the way.

In the Pokémon Adventures manga, Elio is named Sun and is a Pokédex Holder, who does all kinds of jobs. Name When is usually the time they revealed the Protagonist's name. --Cococrash11 (talk) 20:43, May 12, 2016 (UTC) has anyone contacted Nintendo of America about the names of the playable protagonists yet? Elio (also known as Sun) is a Pokémon Trainer and the male protagonist in the games Pokémon Sun and Moon, Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, and one of the two main protagonists alongside Selene, and at the end of the games, they become the first ever Champion of the Alola region. Elio is a Pokémon Trainer in Sun/Ultra Sun who arrives in Alola from the Kanto Region to explore the region and meet new people and Pokémon. By default, he has neck length black hair and pale skin, with slate grey eyes and a smile on his face. Early in his adventure, Elio meets the guardian deity of Melemele Island, Tapu Koko, and quickly befriends Lillie, her Cosmog, Nebby, and Hau. Early in his adventure, Elio meets the guardian deity of Melemele Island, Tapu Koko, and quickly befriends Lillie, her Cosmog Nebby, and Hau.After receiving a starter Pokémon and Z-Ring S M or Z-Power Ring US UM from Melemele's Island Kahuna, Hala, Elio begins his island challenge in earnest. He has a blue and white striped t-shirt, black and red cargo shorts that lead to blue and teal water shoes, wearing no socks underneath. Además, Helios tiene una hermana gemela, Selene, curiosamente la diosa en la que se basa el nombre de su contraparte femenina, Selene. Little is known about Elio.

By default, he has neck length black hair and pale skin, with slate grey eyes and a smile on his face. Se suele hablar de él como la personificación del sol.

His father is never seen in-game and he is alone with his mother and her Meowth. Elio is a Pokémon trainer and the male protagonist in the games Pokémon Sun and Moon alongside Selene, and at the end of the games, they become the first ever Champion of the Alola region. Pokémon Resurgence: Sun & Moon Appearance. Elio is shown to be wearing a black baseball cap with a white Poké Ball like symbol planted on the front, also having a blue brim. Later, Elio assists the Ultra Recon Squad in catching some Ultra Beasts roaming around Poni Island. Elio is a boy who recently moved from the Kanto region to Melemele Island in the Alola region. Su nombre viene de Helios, un antiguo dios del sol. Elio is a boy who recently moved from the Kanto region to Melemele Island in the Alola region. She asks Meowth to wake up Elio.