50+ videos Play all Mix - Someone like you (ADELE) - Ukulele Cover & Tutorial :: KruPuM YouTube; I built a guitar out of a shelf during lockdown ! Jake Shimabukuro - "Bohemian Rhapsody" - TED (2010) - ukelele cover - Duration: 10:18. The chords are a bit messed up :3. Adele - Someone Like You Ukulele Chords On UkuleleCheats.com. it’s hard to reach my fourth finger so far down on the fingerboard when I’m playing a tenor.If you bar the 4th fret and play the A string on the 7th fret with your pinky or ring finger, it sounds very similar and is a lot easier.Another way to get around E is to play the chord normally but block the C string. You may only use this for private study, scholarship, or research. 5:18. 26:01 . No matter what I transpose it to, the second chord is always an E, which isn’t even in the song… :(the chords should be A , C# with a G# on the bass, F#, and D, for the intro and the verse.you can transpose it anywhere and then put a capo on it to stay in the same keyThis arrangement for the song is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song. http://JustUkulele.com ukulele tutorial someone like you by visiting the above link 10:18. You can finger pick this pattern for the entire song and it sounds fine, not breathtaking like the song should be and it’s hard to get loud, the way the song does. :3Does anyone have a recommendation for a chord I can play instead of E? Kelsey Lujan 18,079 views. strumming pattern DDU UDU?Do -2 transposition. But it works well and sounds good. Easy Uke Songs - Sam Smith - Stay With Me (Ukulele Tutorial) - Duration: 9:26. ukulenny 677,657 views. Hamza Tazi 10,874,320 views. UkuWorld and its derivatives do not own any songs, lyrics or arrangements posted and/or printed. The correct chords are G D Em C, but its not written like that, its messed up. Basically:Something is broken here. Match the song to your voice and sing it perfectly. 50+ videos Play all Mix - Ukulele Tutorial - Someone like You by Adele YouTube; Someone Like You Uke Tutorial FAST and EASY - Duration: 5:18. But it works well and sounds good.For the Am chord you’re actually playing all open strings, but just to be correct and not to pick up bad habits I hold the Am chord anyway. 9:26 . UkuTabs.com 2012-2020, Part of the UkuWorld network, Some Rights Reserved. Song "Someone Like You" ukulele chords and tabs by Adele. - Duration: 26:01. tchiks guitars and furniture Recommended for you. For the Am chord you’re actually playing all open strings, but just to be correct and not to pick up bad habits I hold the Am chord anyway. Free Transpose feature and Voice Range It sounds really nice is you pick the string G then A then C then E and repeat through the whole songYou can do C, G, Am, F…. I finger pick the bottom three strings in a 1-2-3-2 pattern, just like in the original song.It’s like this (this refers to strings not chords) – C, E, A, E, C, E, A, E, Repeat.You can finger pick this pattern for the entire song and it sounds fine, not breathtaking like the song should be and it’s hard to get loud, the way the song does. Free and guaranteed quality tablature with ukulele chord charts, transposer and auto scroller. Just press the C string with your 2nd finger so that it doesn’t make sound when you strum.