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All comments on YouTube are public and anyone can reply to a comment that you post.If you can't find a comment after you get a notification, it's possible that the comment has already been removed. Youtube comments always say "1 month ago" or "1 hour ago" etc. Videos aren’t the only place you find questionable content on YouTube; the comment section is famously awful. Scroll over the username at the top and click "Account." Get a daily round up of our most popular tech stories. There’s no native way to search within your Youtube comments, but you can do the following: Go to your Youtube comment history Keep scrolling down until you load all of it Hold COMMAND (Mac) / Ctrl (Windows) and press F key to search on the current web page Let's find out!Join over 3.000 visitors who are receiving our newsletter and learn to do a new thing every weekWe hate spam. Other YouTube users can also do the same thing for you. Does Instagram notify the creator when you screenshot a post, s story or DM?How to post a screenshot on Instagram story? The Account section has a comprehensive list of features. Viewing Comments on the Mobile App 1 Open the YouTube app on your phone or tablet. Though originally from Denver, Colorado, she currently resides in New Zealand. Use the Video Comments feature in the Account section to find personal comments that have received a reply. as well as other partner offers and accept our Go to Comment History. You can't see who liked your YouTube prohibits the sharing of like and dislike info to keep users safe. You can also change comments settings for multiple videos at once with bulk edits. A quick skim through the comments section of any even remotely controversial video will reveal such anger and vitriol in the comments that one might consider it a smart move by the company to keep simple likes, and dislikes, anonymous.To find past comments you've left on YouTube videos, see our article, " So you may have to scroll down to find the actual replies.You can also control what you want to see in your Youtube notifications The ability to leave and reply to comments is what makes Youtube a social network. From there you can also delete or edit your comment.The layout may be a bit confusing, so you may find yourself clicking around in an effort to see your comment in the actual video thread. Open the video: Now open the video and scroll down till the end to see comments. By clicking ‘Sign up’, you agree to receive marketing emails from Business Insider Katie loves exploring the application of various technological tools, from data analysis and visualization to music production and performance. If you want to timestamp YouTube comments on your mobile, here is what you need to do: Once again, open the YouTube website.

You can also view your past YouTube comments on a computer. Comments can be removed by the person who posted them, the channel owner, or for policy violations.You can view public comments you’ve left across YouTube.If you commented on a video that's been deleted, or if your comment was removed by YouTube for a policy violation, it won't appear in this history.You can click or tap a comment's timestamp to create a highlighted comment link. Look for a white triangle inside a red rectangle on your home screen, or … She has over five years of experience in technical support, IT process analysis, and quantitative research. Note that you must be logged into YouTube to leave a comment or like/dislike, either on a video itself or on another person's comment. The steps to comment on a YouTube video using YouTube for Android and YouTube for iPhone are almost the same as above (you need to tap “Comments” to see the field mentioned above).