Calls or emails about this item will not receive a response.By adding this item to your WishList, you will be notified automatically via email when this item's price has dropped.Our Sales staff cannot forecast price or availability of Wish List items. This places a “Reserve Order” for an out of stock item. One way to think about this is as such: a foot-pound is a unit of energy equal to the amount of energy required to raise a weight of one pound a distance of one foot. The advertised ballistics of the .270 WSM (Winchester Short Magnum) fall between the ballistics of the standard .270 Win. .270 Winchester vs .270 WSM Winchester Short Magnum Ammo Comparison - Ballistics Info & Chart This item is eligible for our “UNDER THE TREE GUARANTEE”. The following ammunition cartridge ballistics information and chart can be used to approximately compare .270 Winchester vs .270 WSM Winchester Short Magnum ammo rounds. ou l’utilisateur connaît les limites du couple arme / munition et qu’il est capable de maîtriser parfaitement ses tirs. Foundry Outdoors is your trusted home for buying archery, camping, fishing, hunting, shooting sports, and outdoor gear online.We offer a 100% Authenticity Guarantee on all products sold on our website. The 270 Winchester Short Magnum or 270 WSM is a short, unbelted, magnum cartridge created by necking down the.300 Winchester Short Magnum and fitting it with a.277 caliber bullet. Elle est déjà exploitée depuis de nombreuses années par certains fabricants peu connus en Europe.

Please note, the following information reflects the As illustrated in the chart, .270 WSM Winchester Short Magnum rounds - on average - achieve a velocity of about 3240 feet per second (fps) while .308 Winchester rounds travel at a velocity of 2680 fps. La science étant ce qu’elle est, avec ses nouvelles technologies qui évoluent à une vitesse spectaculaire sans précédent, la Winchester 270 Winchester Short Magnum 150 Grain Power-PointFederal P270WSMTT1 Vital-Shok Trophy Bonded Tip 20RD 130gr 270 Federal P270WSMTT3 Vital-Shok Trophy Bonded Tip 20RD 140gr 270 Federal P270WSMB Vital-Shok Nosler Ballistic Tip 20RD 130gr 270Winchester Ammo X270SDS Deer Season XP 270 Winchester Short MagRemington 270 Winchester Short Magnum 130 Grain Core-Lokt PoNosler 60114 Accubond Long Range 270 Winchester Short MagnumFederal F270WSMFS1 Fusion 20RD 150gr 270 Win Short MagnumFederal 270WSME Power-Shok Soft Point 20RD 130gr 270 Win Short Winchester 270 Winchester Short Magnum 150 Grain Supreme BalWinchester 270 Win.

Calls or emails about this item will not receive a response.By adding this item to your WishList, you will be notified automatically via email when this item's price has dropped.Our Sales staff cannot forecast price or availability of Wish List items.

To put this into perspective, a Boeing 737 commercial airliner travels at a cruising speed of 600 mph, or 880 fps. Please email us if you have questions about any of our product listings. Il convient toutefois de préciser que le calibre 270 WSM connaît un vif succès dans son pays d’origine. These include the .270 Winchester, .270 WSM and the .270 Weatherby Magnum. venues, sera donc en partie le succès de vente que connaîtront les armes qui sont destinées à les employer. The 270 WSM is by no means rare though and most sporting goods stores carry ammunition for both cartridges. Il est donc inutile d’en dire trop, cela ne servirait à rien. That is to say, .270 WSM Winchester Short Magnum bullets travel 3.7 times the speed of a 737 airplane at cruising speed, while .308 Winchester bullets travel 3 times that same speed.Furthermore, the muzzle energy of a .270 WSM Winchester Short Magnum round averages out to 3170 ft-lb, while a .308 Winchester round averages out to about 2620 ft-lb.