Happy new year! An unlikely pair of police officers investigate the boy's death. | Crowdfunding is a democratic way to support the fundraising needs of your community. So if you haven’t claimed a perk yet you still have the chance. Together, we have achieved the first step! Wir werden euch über die weiteren Entwicklungen von Freier Fall 2 auf dem Laufenden halten. It will help others to choose the new film.
Help us realize the long-awaited sequel! We would be honored, if you keep following us all the way to Free Fall 2.2018 is here! It's great having you here.UPDATE: You can support FREE FALL 2 using PayPal.Me now!Shoutout to BRAZIL and PORTUGAL! We are excited! A lot has changed.First lines written. Help us realize the long-awaited sequel! Amazing how 45 days have passed so fast! A soon-to-be-father policeman falls for a gay fellow officer and his life starts falling apart. This perk is limited to 50 photos signed by Hanno Koffler, Max Riemelt and Stephan Lacant and it will be available until January 15th. 1.851 backers!!! Make a contribution today!Marc and Kay will meet again. With Max Riemelt, Katharina Schüttler, Hanno Koffler.

| Crowdfunding is a democratic way to support the fundraising needs of your community. Oder?mpaign on Indiegogo ends, you can still get in touch with us via crowdfunding@freefall2.com, via Facebook and via message on Indiegogo.

Amazing how 45 days have passed so fast!

We saved the information of your contribution and the perk you chose in order to deliver your perks as soon as they are ready. Two Afro-German half-sisters that never met before, get closer through their father's death, search their roots and find themselves. Help us realize the long-awaited sequel! There, he meets Aron and they both explore their identities. Szabolcs quits football against his father's will and returns to his country in Hungary to take charge of an inheritance from his grandfather. 1.9K. | Check out 'FREE FALL 2 - FREIER FALL 2' on Indiegogo. Thanks to you! This year is going to be challenging, but also very exciting. Plot unknown. Danke für eure Unterstützung, eure Geduld und eure guten Gedanken.Warm greetings to all of you!

Help us realize the long-awaited sequel! In the meantime we will use the time and continue to raise funds for the film. В такъв случай , моля, опитайте да рестартирате браузъра си.Marc and Kay will meet again. Now, in January 2018, more than 50% of the script is written. ... Научете повече, включително за наличните контроли: Изглежда, че може да имате проблеми при възпроизвеждането на това видео. | Crowdfunding is a democratic way to support the fundraising needs of your community. Markus, a good-looking, likable and respected architect, is a paedophile. It is an absolute pleasure experiencing this with you.Mystery Perk revealed: Join the online Q&A group videosession with Want to claim it?

Again, thank you for your support and for beeing the wonderful crowd you are! Make a contribution today!Marc and Kay will meet again. Our authors Stephan Lacant & Karsten Dahlem. More to come. Nachdem eine erste Version des Drehbuchs fertig war, holten wir von verschiedenen Stellen Einschätzungen dazu ein. Looking for something to watch? With your help, we were able to fund the script for Free Fall 2. On the last day of the holidays, out of the blue, Björn informs his friends that he will not return home but intends to ... Thanks to everyone who supports FREE FALL 2! Merke dir den Film jetzt vor und wir benachrichtigen dich, sobald er verfügbar ist. Thank you so much!! He suffers tremendously because of this inclination.

Please leave feedback if you watched Freier Fall 2 . Free Fall 2 - Freier Fall - Crowdfunding Teaser. 1.2K. Make a contribution today!Marc and Kay will meet again. Five friends spend their holidays on a faraway island in the sea. First of all an info we are very excited about. A follow-up film to Stephan Lacant's 2013 film 'Free Fall'. Das Gesamtbudget für den Film steht weiterhin bei 3 Millionen Euro. Directed by Stephan Lacant. A young man falls in love with the woman who happens to be his mother's lover. Unter crowdfunding@freefall2.com beantworten wir gern eure Fragen zum Projekt. In 2018 we are going to focus on contacting sponsors and investors in order to raise more funds for Free Fall 2. Natürlich hatten wir gehofft, euch zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt schon mehr sagen zu können als: "Wir arbeiten weiter an Freier Fall 2." | Crowdfunding is a democratic way to support the fundraising needs of your community. Please get in touch with us, if something doesn't work with the download link(s) or the mail.

Thank you so much! Help us realize the long-awaited sequel! After missing four years, the body of a little boy is found in the forest. We are close to 100.000€! The Free Fall 2 Crowdfunding Campaign is available in Portuguese now!A new limited perk is available now: Get a photo from the crowdfunding campaign signed by Hanno, Max & Stephan!За да помогнем да се персонализира съдържанието, да се приспособят и измерят рекламите, както и за да предоставим по-безопасен начин на използване, ние използваме бисквитки.
| Crowdfunding is a democratic way to support the fundraising needs of your community. We'd like to share another video with you. !Our InDemand campaign on Indiegogo ends today. We are also going to keep publishing updates on our progress via newsletter, Facebook, Indiegogo and via We really appreciate all the support we have experienced so far. Es wird aller Voraussicht nach auch in den nächsten Monaten zu Wartezeiten kommen, in denen wir Feedback und Anregungen von möglichen Partnern einholen und in Verhandlungen treten werden. You supported Free Fall 2 already?

Make a contribution today!Marc and Kay will meet again. We've reached 100.000€! It's not what he expected. You helped us reaching the first step and of course we will take it. wir möchten uns sehr für eure Geduld bedanken. UPDATE: You claimed "Stills! | Crowdfunding is a democratic way to support the fundraising needs of your community. Our authors Stephan und Karsten have finished about 50% of the script.

Leider ist Freier Fall 2 derzeit bei keinem der auf Moviepilot aufgelisteten Anbietern zu sehen. 122.059€!!! Die Folge: Unsere Planung kam ins Stocken. Stills! Help us realize the long-awaited sequel!