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This article summarizes the new testing requirements.Global standards for motor vehicles and electric vehicles are the responsibility of the World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicles, a permanent working party (WP 29) under the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).
To demonstrate compliance with applicable regulations, manufacturers submit vehicles and components to an authorized third-party (“Technical Service”) for type approval evaluation. /Subtype /TrueType RESS testing requirements under the second revision of R100 are more extensive than previous versions of the regulation, and the responsibility for obtaining type approval might shift to RESSs manufacturers. _~$�����s-=E�M��Rꆢ�'@[S+�(a�������gM
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6.2 震动 6.2.1 试验应根据本法规的附录 8A 进行 6.2.2 接受条件 在试验期间,不应有: (a)电解质泄露; (b)破裂(仅适用于高压 REESS) (c)着火 (d)爆炸 其中电解质泄露,通过视觉观察,而不需对任何试验设备进行拆解。 /LastChar 180
The actions of the Forum are based on the so-called 1958 Agreement, under which the European Union and nearly 60 other signatory countries agree to apply a common set of technical specifications to motor vehicles manufactured or sold within their countries, and to allow entry to motor vehicles manufactured in other countries that meet those specifications.Specific technical requirements are found in approximately 130 separate regulations, addressing vehicle components like lighting and instrumentation, operational characteristics including crashworthiness or environmental compatibility.
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2.11 „Gehäuse“ ist das Teil, das die innen liegenden Baugruppen umgibt und einen Schutz gegen direktes Berühren aus allen Zugangsrichtungen bietet. /StemH 78 La certification ECE R100 Rev2 est l’une des principales exigences européennes en matière d’homologation des véhicules routiers électriques, en fait, le règlement spécifie tous les tests qui doivent être effectués sur des batteries au lithium installées sur des véhicules électriques à 4 roues pour le transport de personnes ou de marchandises des catégories N et M à traction électrique (voir …
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<< /Type /Font /AvgWidth 441 The device is then placed in a convection oven or climatic chamber, and the temperature of the oven or chamber is gradually increased to a pre-determined level. /ItalicAngle 0
v����'�3���]�xzr ��]^B6*��Bif��Z�RK.,[MOO~��-�9��f-��L��{Vp]���'NO^�8�y�m�D���$����e>R�G2��d�%�S-%7eg�(Ekx);����0��\�-���gp����n���%kLh^���w���S[*�J+��*&��uv��ZM�_r!��b���~�.Ch+]ڤ����4�� 2.10 „Elektronischer Umformer“ ist ein Gerät zur Steuerung und/oder Um-formung elektrischer Energie für den elektrischen Antrieb. /Producer (PDF-XChange Printer 2012 \(5.0 build 262\) [Windows 7 Ultimate Professional \(Build 7601: Service Pack 1\)]) For more information, contact us at Identification of 28 possible starting points for cost-efficient energy saving measuresGear up for safety and success in the automotive & transportation industry. ���܃�� �ڬ)���ξaMqO�N��}=19�� /Flags 32 1 0 obj >> stream /Filter [/FlateDecode] /Descent -269 8 0 obj 2.2.2 Verordnung (EG) Nr.