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Download Windows 7 with IE8 VHD Image for Free - Part 3.

Changing the background color can help make it clearer.

Next, create a virtual hard disk for your virtual machine. Due to the size of the Windows 7 VHD, it is split across several files, you'll need to download all files for that version of the Internet Explorer and uncompress them to the same directory to unpack the VHD file. Then log in to the Administrator account to complete the following steps.Don't remove system apps such as the Store app. Find the highest rated VDI software for Windows pricing, reviews, free demos, trials, and more. In the above step, you have just declared a virtual machine on the  A Windows 7 virtual machine is created and you can see it on the VirtualBox Manager window.It is noted that your virtual machine just created is not installed operating system, therefore, you need to install an operating system for it.

OK, at this time, the operating system starts being installed.

Enter password and hint.

It can boot from network, pxe, syslinux

The default value for "Windows should ask for my feedback" is Automatically; for VDI use, the recommended value is Never.

In the VDI environment, many background services and tasks are disabled from the beginning.This topic is not a blueprint, but rather a guide or starting point. In fact, you need

Background apps Listed apps have a default value of On , which allows them to receive information, send notifications, and update …

Select the position where your virtual disk file will be created and designate the size of your virtual disk. the support of all the virtual hard disk types in Windows 7 and other platforms: VDI, VHD or VMDK; the ability to use dynamically allocated or fixed size hard disk in order to store the emulated OS files and images; the support of Drag’n’Drop and Shared Clipboard features between the guest and host systems Enter the name of virtual machine, herein called   If you are familiar with the installation of Your hinted information helps you remember the password if you forget it in the future.

Installing to a virtual machine is easy and allows you to save versions of the virtual hard-disk (VHD) file, in case you want to roll back to an earlier version.You can also adjust these after installation with Group Policy Editor; see the "Group Policy settings" section of this topic.Once installation is complete, you can continue adjusting settings starting with To remove an app, thereby excluding it from your VDI image, click the app, and then click Features to consider removing (if present) include the following:This area defines the app to be used by default for certain generic functions such as e-mail, web browsing, and maps. To do this, follow these steps:The default setting is to use large taskbar buttons (that is, a value of "Off" for Some of these settings are also set from the "Customize settings" window, discussed at the beginning of this topic.The default value for "Let apps use my microphone" is The default value for "Let apps access my notifications" is The default value for "Let apps access my contacts" is The default value for "Let apps access my calendar" is The default value for "Let apps access my call history" is The default value for "Let apps access and send email" is The default value for "Let apps read or send messages (text or MMS)" is The default value for "Let apps control radios" is The default value for "Let your apps automatically share and sync info with wireless devices that don't explicitly pair with your PC, tablet, or phone" is The default value for "Windows should ask for my feedback" is The settings in this section are adjustable either by navigating through Control Panel or opening the utility directly.Any settings not specifically mentioned in this topic can be left at their default values (or set per your requirements and policies) without appreciable impact on VDI functionality.The fastest way to open Task Scheduler is to push the Windows button and type The fastest way to open Performance Monitor is to push the Windows button and type The fastest way to manage Services is to push the Windows button and type To edit Group Policy settings, press the Windows button and type Any settings not specifically mentioned in this topic can be left at their default values (or set per your requirements and policies) without appreciable impact on VDI functionality.For each of the following settings areas, click it, then double-click Use the back arrow in the upper left of Local Group Policy Editor to go back to the Using the left pane, enter each of the following settings subfolders and adjust the individual settings as follows:In the left pane of Local Group Policy Editor, click There are a number of Microsoft Store apps that you might want to remove from the VDI image; removing them will decrease CPU usage and conserve disk space.