Use a mixing console in Pro version. All transcriptions from the archive are free to use for educational purposes, all available in TAB and Notation. I actually think you should charge more as you're providing a premium product! by Santiano 46,613 views, added to favorites 459 times Difficulty: novice Author Unregistered. Search. 66. You can now report bad ads if you suffer from sound/video ads.Just be on page with bad ads and submit it to us via form below. Key Variations. Key Variations.

More Versions.

Select the transcriptions you want, in TAB or Notation only format! Sign up Log in. I found your website has most of the music I listened to in the 70's, 80's and 90's. I have just found the website and had been looking for scores of Jamiroquai and Incognito, and thanks to you I've found them.First of all let me say that I am really having fun with some transcriptions here. Sign up Log in. That is the main reason why I managed to get in to Finland's Military School.Just wanted to thank you for all the transcriptions. How to play "Frei Wie Der Wind" Print. Jamiroquai: Essential Bass Transcriptions. Ver 3 * 12. For example; my notation reading skill have developed a lot. Ultimate Guitar Pro is a premium guitar tab service, available on PC, Mac, iOS and Android Tabs Articles Forums Wiki + Publish tab Pro. Pro Play This Tab.

Search. Even the smallest of donations is greatly appreciated.Here's what some bass players had to say about us. The BASSMENT is a mean machine groove for bass players.Thank you very very much! All transcriptions from the archive are free to use for educational purposes, all available in TAB and Notation.

Guitar … Report bad tab. I have to tell you that especially your Jamiroquai bass transcriptions have given me a lot of inspiration and helped me to develop more in bass playing. Santiano for the beginner scout boys to play. We'll get snapshot of this page, ads Tabs Articles Forums Wiki + Publish tab Pro. Play Advices. We'll get snapshot of this page, ads identifiers and will analyze it.

Wait a second, we are searching and sorting best tabs for,+hugues/ aufray/santiano,+hugues/,+hugues/,+hugues/ aufray/ aufray/ aufray/ aufray/ aufray/ aufray/ aufray/ aufray/santiano-tab-guitare13225.htmlHi! 11. Our transcriptions are by bass players, for bass players. Santiano by Hugues Aufray Chords Different Versions Chords, Tab, Tabs.

Choose and determine which version of Santiano chords and tabs by Hugues Aufray you can play.

Pro Play This Tab. Em Seit ich denken kann, D willst mit uns fahr'n, C D Em weit hinaus auf unsrem Schiff.

Pro Play This Tab. Guitar Tabs Universe Hugues Aufray Chords & Tabs Version: 2 Type: Chords 0 ratings - chord progression is partial in all other chord tabs (not absolutely wrong, they just sounds less accurate and conducts less the player), this one give indications about the backing vocals, and strumming pattern.

Help by donating if you can - this is a donation funded project. Ver 1. Choose and determine which version of Santiano chords and tabs by Hugues Aufray you can play.

Santiano by Hugues Aufray Chords Different Versions Chords, Tab, Tabs. More Versions. Copyright © 2009-2020 All Rights Reserved by The Bassment.We have an ever growing archive of free and accurate transcriptions put together through hard work, gratitude, and love for music.All transcriptions are homemade and user submitted - by bass players, for bass players. It's a great place to start promoting notation between new bass players.