i need help with reshade. How do I get these shadows? The shadows are not so marked. ReShade is an advanced, fully generic post-processing injector for games and video software developed by crosire. Some examples are here:Thanks for the update but it still doesn't make sense because of how Reshade works. Hello Reshade sadly isn't made for Mac but I saw someone made it work. Highly recommend this one!These are all the presets I’ve used and loved so far. Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700 CPU 3.00GHz Heyy!! Hi, I've installed some of presets and I saw that some of then say that we have to hover your cursor over the subject we want to focus on. The macOS folder must have d3d9.dll, ReShade.ini, and reside-shaders files. ReShade supports all of Direct3D 9, Direct3D 10, Direct3D 11, Direct3D 12, OpenGL and Vulkan. I don't have any tech details and such to further assist. like, it didn't even show up. It worked for me, I suspect because I did get the ReShade files from my friend.
using version 4.3.0 of reshade and i cant seem to click it for some reason. :) Did you turn off the Edge smoothing from the settings? If you're using a mouse then right click the app > This opens the menu popup box > Select "Show Package Contents" > Open the "Contents" folder > Open "MacOS" folder > Paste your ReShade files here.The files you should have inside of your macOS folder are in the screenshot below. If you'd rather do this privately please say so and I will temporarily open my inbox for DMs All I can tell you is it works on my 2013 MBP and my friend's 2019 MBP. Make different lighting effects and much more.

Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. But all preset as for example "patchouli rose" " Synthetic effects" and "whiskker pristmatic" are blurred and nothing happens when i move the cursor. what's your ReShade version? Here are my photos with presets: https://imgur.com/a/QKoCCbl Whiisker Pristmatic ReShade Preset is not found :(

Look here: She said she only had to use it for a moment and it generates the preset '.ini' file she needed.She followed these steps to run it initially before her Parallels expired:-- If you're running Catalina make sure to select the 64bit versionDownload your preferred preset. Because that's what I have in my game. Reshade must be installed as it works with the game, at least that's how I understand it. i cant seem to get caramel kitkat to work.

simemi and pixelore presets work just fine but i cant seem to click the kitkat one. I'm sorry. WOW! My MBP does not have Parallels. I found this that seems like a good explanation (That's a couple of years old granted but wouldn't even work with the current version of the game which is for Metal compatible Macs only, you would have to be running the Legacy Edition of the game for OpenGL support.I really want to be wrong, and I hope I am, because I would love to use this in my game. i had reshade 4.6.1 before the recent update, and it was working fine. I loved it! ❤

Add some fuel if you'd like to keep me going!A ridiculous amount of coffee was consumed in the process of creating custom content for The Sims 4. I seem to have installed Patchouli Rose correctly but my game is not reflecting the accurate preset? hi katverse! You can add brightness, vibrance, sharpness to your game. I recommend asking from the Thank you ! A ridiculous amount of coffee was consumed in the process of creating custom content for The Sims 4. if u use 4.6.1 (new) ver, u must check older fx (while installing). She'd just gave me a copy of the same files and I'm guessing that's why it worked for me. When I start my MBP it's immediately got the look of the chosen preset. There’s almost no extra editing needed with this one.You can use this one with every senery. I've already had some "simemis" and "Ziistel" presets, but they don't have key comands or this cursor blur thing.
all of a sudden, i got the new update and eco living, and it stopped working. I defently downloading this!! Does Simemi’s ReShade preset work with ReShade 4.0.2 because I have that in my game??

this is really late lol but turn off laptop mode and dynamic shadows should turn on 16GB RAM Could you maybe post step by step instructions and upload the preset you are using so I can test it in my game? I'm downloading all. Then you pick your preset file the determines the settings of your lighting and place it here too. Can you help me? And my game is darker, even with my old presets. Is it ok for game? Comes with in-depth tutorial. In easier words, it’s an image-enhancing tool that makes your game look amazing! In my screenshot you can see I've chosen the preset, "Simemi's Preset V2".The activation process of doing through F2 on a PC does not seem necessary in game, for me, as I never did it but noticed my game immediately looked different. ReShade is an advanced, fully generic post-processing injector for games and video software developed by crosire. I hope you’ll find something for your gameplay as well. :) I updated the link. Please give some light ;)