I was able to successfully compile and upload the suggested code to the board and I got the two messages in my Serial Monitor: "WiFi connectedAttempting MQTT connection...Connected to aREST.io"However, when I try to run http://cloud.arest.io/ But when I switch On led goes Off, and when I switch Off led goes On. Here is the complete sketch for this project:The sketch starts by importing the correct libraries:You will also need to declare a WiFiClient & PubSubClient, that will communicate with the aREST server on the cloud:We also initialise the aREST library with the server we defined earlier:Then, the most important part in the code: the ID of the device. Please enter your comment. Please enter your comment. Just connect it to USB port and you can test program. To install an Arduino library, simply use the library manager by going to Sketch>Include Librarty>Manage Libraries.It’s now time to assemble the project. When the relay VCC is connected to the 5 V supply, the ESP8266 output pin only gets to 3.2 volts which the relay doesn't recognize as a "high" so the relay is energized all the time. Please enter your comment. Simply type:You should hear and see the relay turning on immediately, and also get the confirmation in your browser:Thos commands can be made from any web browser, and not only from within your local WiFi network. Please enter your name. Item ID: 12592. Please enter your name. Program. Thanks in advance,

Please enter your name. How can i collect data from arduino board to web server?
But it's not working on ESP8266-01. I can not find answer from the web. I have used a Huzzah Feather using 3v to VCC, GND to GND and pin 5 to IN on the relay. Please enter your email. Please enter your comment. Limited Time Sale Easy Return. Please enter your name. Please enter your name. Please enter your name. Please enter your name. The garage door controller only has a momentary action switch. Please enter your name. Please enter your email. Hi I am using D1 mini Wemos. Go to your favourite web browser, and type the following command (by changing the unique ID of your device):You should immediately see the confirmation message in your browser:Simple, right? We will need Arduino IDE.

I am wondering how to implement the On/Off button in this project from the aREST_UI instead of having to type different URLs. I am using nodemcu esp8266 v0.9. - Tue Feb 27, 2018 8:40 pm #74233 You can switch the relays via hex commands. Please enter your comment. Please enter your comment. Please enter your comment.

Just did this to a NodeMCU and it works perfectly. Please enter your name. Please enter your name. To do that I recommend passing through a cloud server, for example via aREST. Loaded all libs. I would like to use one of these as a remote garage door opener. There are different relay modules with a different number of channels. But stuck with other problem. Thanks. Please enter your name.

Hyper terminal gives the output below. Please enter your email. After power it up again, the device is always seen by dashboard.arest.io as being offline Please enter your name.

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That is seriously impressive. Is this possible to control the whole Villas load through wifi. hallo, i love you're work. Please enter your comment. You just need to call aREST from within the callback function:Note that you can find all the code on the GitHub repository of the project:It’s now time to configure the ESP8266 board with this code. error: 'class aREST' has no member named 'get_topic'

I used a 5V converter (the ESP8266 uses 3.3V) because a 3.3V converter was not powerful enough to power the Adafruit ESP8266 board (which is 5V compatible anyway).For the relay, I used a standard relay module from Polulu, but any other module would work as well. I followed the tutorial, my device show's up online. Please enter your name. You can do that by following the process from:You will also need the latest version of the aREST library, as well as the PubSub client for Arduino. Someone has it please send me a copy. Please enter your name. Have you solved it?Maybe because the led has negative logic i.e for 0 it will be high and for 1 lowHi sirI am buy the wemos d1 and I am try to do led on/off so I just connect Led one pin to wemos D5 and other pin to Ground then I connect to PC if I am uploading the code I got an error of USB COM port not able to upload or programmer not respondSo can you assist meThanks&RegardsThe WakarYou should use an Arduino with an ethernet shield, like this project :http://www.instructables.co...Hi, make sure to update to the latest version of aREST, there were a lot of changes lately :)I am aware of the issues with the ESP-01 boards, working on it :) About the dashboard, sure you can control many ESP's from a single dashboard!There seems to be issues with some ESP8266 boards like the Wemo boards. Please enter your email.

Most of these provide a constant DC voltage of 9-12V. Finally, I also used a classic breadboard and some jumper wires.This is the list of the components you will need for this project:As for the software, you will need the latest version of the Arduino IDE that you can get from:You will also need to install the ESP8266 boards definitions into the Arduino IDE. (or N/A - which I think means not assigned). i am using nodemcu its a product from china will this work for that as well. If you use this board you can also uncomment #define DEBUG to see debug messages. Please enter your name. Please enter your name. siri'm able to control the Nodemcu through mobile hotspot(without using internet) but first i want to scan the all wifi active network then after which i want i can connect.plz help me.thanks.