0000058942 00000 n 0000027232 00000 n 0000103952 00000 n 0000051990 00000 n 2 wire installation 0000105331 00000 n Two-family video door entry kits item 36562 and one-family video door entry kits item 365711 are now available, with the new Classe 300 touch screen video internal unit. 0000077545 00000 n 0000006583 00000 n 0000078227 00000 n 0000104070 00000 n With the Classe 300X you can transform every home into a connected home, effortlessly controlled by an App on your smart phone, whenever and wherever you are. 0000092505 00000 n 0000078885 00000 n Communication de porte via votre smartphone, c'est possible avec le vidéophone Classe 300 X13E de BTicino. 0000068358 00000 n 0000085072 00000 n 0000095226 00000 n 0000104659 00000 n 0000085799 00000 n 0000006545 00000 n 0000006668 00000 n 0000102654 00000 n 0000006137 00000 n 0000104147 00000 n 0000103455 00000 n 0000103337 00000 n Les services offerts à travers l’APPLI permettent d’interagir avec le vidéophone Classe 300X à distance via Internet. 0000076760 00000 n 0000007830 00000 n �w8n�AMjC�W}����Bc���䔂?2K(͝�����0Ws�-��3�ǖ[�?H��r.�W�b�!�b�Q��ӄ��!|]��¾H!���i��R���u�* �/[�TIg\1��ژ����M�RܸZ�2BJ�-�i������LT1T姼�>˺���U֘"1/i��ٿ̫6dߨ@�k�5�=O��w����F`,�Jjk�\Q��� ���m]��POw�IJ|ˉ���h�.1/f�uHiO���=��U���e�!��zE5��X�n .�VIoS��F�V�"DWdY��%GFT#LK�؜�`�h��.��p.T�E����dl��j��L� D�WLhC0F��W���\V��X�W��):�~�evb�[�H���?,�ti�t�1���r{,t�'`7 �-�¹��p]0�V���Vl ��,��ST{�bv���f�G�6Ն��er�y���KM��q��iu�T=F!R�{�Z�{�3l���Vx���Rq�������H���l� 0000007087 00000 n New one-family and two-family video door entry kits are available with Classe 300 touch screen video internal units. - R.I. Varese and Fiscal Code 10991860155 - R.E.A.

G/F All Seasons Bldg., 112 Aguirre St. Legaspi Village, Makati City, 1229 Philippines Tel: (+632) 8892 8972 Email: btph.sales@bticino.ph 0000103564 00000 n 0000102331 00000 n 4437 0 obj <> endobj xref 4437 61 0000000016 00000 n 0000102723 00000 n 0000092415 00000 n 0000006836 00000 n With built-in Wi-Fi connectivity, Classe 300X has all the style of the Classe 300 range plus you can control the door entry system using your smartphone. h��Xy\Sg�~onV�da3� �AQD�@P�f@P� �U)h��d+hX��K��u�Ej�ֹ,*�RD�`mm@�����oF��3��J�}����? Bticino Classe 300 Pdf User Manuals. 0000105034 00000 n BTicino Spa - Viale Borri 231, 21100 Varese - Share capital 98.800.000 i.v. 0000104273 00000 n 0000006506 00000 n

%PDF-1.7 %���� 0000007225 00000 n 0000035223 00000 n 0000107375 00000 n New one-family and two-family video door entry kits are available with Classe 300 touch screen video internal units.The kit is the more practical and inexpensive solution to realise door entry and video door entry systems in the one-family and two-family villa.Purchase a single item code and inside the kit briefcase, you will find all the necessary material and the technical instructions useful for installation, connection, start up and the possible expandability of your systemThe global specialist for the electric and digital infrastructures of the buildingBased on the privacy, BTicino SPA, with headquarters in Varese Viale Borri 231, informs all users that this website don't use cookies for profiling and sending advertising messages based on the navigation history. 0000095303 00000 n 0000104957 00000 n Varese 237038 - VAT 10991860155 - ©2020 BTicino S.p.A.New video door entry kits with the Classe 300 video internal unit 0000092544 00000 n 0000095194 00000 n Bticino Philippines,Inc. 0000103487 00000 n 0000006924 00000 n 0000007715 00000 n - R.I. Varese and Fiscal Code 10991860155 - R.E.A. 0000072308 00000 n 0000006957 00000 n 0000104582 00000 n