Great! # Set thermostat to auto before changing temperatures Now, I mentioned that I had different flux groups and here’s why: if I’m watching a movie in my basement (like in the gif below) I don’t want to stop updating the color temperature elsewhere in the house. ","Looks like it's time to turn the lights on outside. Home Assistant for Android lets you control all your devices in your Home Assistant instance. I got it. ","Looks like the wash just finished.
I first check the time and presence to see which state we’re in:Based on those three states, I have pre-set temperatures I want the house to be at depending on the outside temperature (which I pull from the Now, to add a wrinkle to that, in the summer my house can get pretty humid if the temperature in in the mid-to-upper 70s and the AC hasn’t kicked on for awhile. So this met my second criteria of “Presence-based automation”. {% if (states.sensor.power_mon_power.state | float) > 0.1 and (states.sensor.power_mon_power.state | float) < 8191.0 %}"It's getting late, I will turn on the outside lights.
So here, I am able to turn off flux Now, this provided me with the following information:Next, I needed an automation to trigger some script (using Home Assistant’s So now it was time to create the script that acts on this information. For example: we don’t want the motion sensors to turn on the indoor lights if our dog sets them off while we are away. Some additional indoor cameras help keep an eye on the birds and the puppy, making sure they are safe and not up to any general mischief when we were away. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------# Changes thermostat based on external and internal temps It works nicely with Hassio zones which are geo-fences that let you track where the devices are. This was a huge advantage for me as a new home automation user just putting my toe in the water. We also wanted soft lighting to help us wind down after a long day and wake up without harsh, blinding lights. I installed Pretty straight-forward and easy to implement (not so easy with Wink at the time). Here are the pertinent jails:The other part, prior to setting the component up in Home Assistant, was to add my filters. Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Home Assistant is an open-source home automation platform that focuses on privacy and local control. This simply required writing a value of 7 to field 101 (0x65). ","I'll go ahead and turn the outside lights on, it's getting dark. Admittedly, there are cheaper smart lights options on the market, I feel we made the best decision between price and performance. I was outside and immediately got an alert on my phone. The system got a great test: my wife set off an alarm accidentally while cooking. Home Assistant for Android requires that you have access to a Home Assistant instance. "{% if states.sensor.washer.state == 'Not Running' %}"Washer cycle is complete, time to throw the clothes into the dryer. Hassio apps have notification features but they are not as feature rich and detailed in comparison to Slack.
","The sun has set, time to turn the lights on outside. My primary goals were the following:My first working configuration for home assistant was in July of 2016 with version 0.24. Make learning your daily ritual.
I truly believe it is the best home automation platform out there and the progress the core devs are making toward polishing the user-friendliness aspect is very promising (even if I am specifically avoiding using those features). Eventually, I found the perfect match called Not only is Home Assistant a privacy-first opensource home automation system, but it also has a great community of fantastic people who build and support robust integrations for a plethora of popular smart devices. I wanted something that would detect movement, alert me, record the feed, save it locally, rely as little as possible on the cloud, and be cheap and easy to integrate.