He majored in journalism, loves to hate headlines, and never takes his Switch out of the dock. Just throw out both your Action Skills whenever you can, and enjoy watching your shield basically never go down below 50%.So we’ve had two builds so far which cover opposite ends of the spectrum between high damage and high survivability. Zane is one of the new Vault Hunters from Borderlands 3, with three different Skill Trees at his disposal - Doubled Agent, Hitman and Under Cover.. Zane … Contents . You will receive a verification email shortly.There was a problem. By this point, there’s basically nothing in the game that’ll be able to topple you. Character Class Overview; About Doubled Agent Skill Tree; About Hitman Skill Tree; About Under Cover Tree ; Zane All Skill List & Effects; More About Vault Hunters Skill & Traits.

Borderlands 3's Zane the Operative has three skill trees; players can use up to two to make Zane their own. ® © 2020. In this Borderlands 3 Zane skill tree guide, we’ll detail the Vault Hunter’s Hitman, Under Cover, and Double Agent skill-sets and break down what each perk does.

While Amara can unlock many different Action Skills and only equip one at a time, The Vault Hunter Zane the Operative is unique in that he is the only character that can equip two Action Skills at a time instead of Grenades, and can augment them multiple times. Borderlands 3 Zane Skill Tree.

Within each skill tree, be sure to check out all the available Action Skills and their Action Skill Augments, along with character-specific perks like FL4K's Pet or Moze's weapon attachments mounted onto her Iron Bear mech. If you click our links to online stores and make a purchase we may receive a few pennies. He can use two Action Skills at once. History Talk (0) Share. Moze. 取新闻和推广信息以及无主之地的消息。 Featuring all Action Skills, Augments, notable Skills from each tree, all skill list and more. Find more information Ollie is a staunch lover of words, games, and words about games. This should give Zane players a lot of additional customization. New games | Panels | Let's Plays | Industry Insight | Esports tournaments | Livestreams | Tabletop gaming | Exclusive merch | More! You can augment both of Zane’s Action Skills with two Action Skill Augments each. Tagged with His love of Italian food is matched only by his love of Excel spreadsheets.Comments are now closed.

Pimp out multiple skills at once with these fantastic Zane buildsDue to Zane’s nature, the below builds each focus on a If you need a bit of a primer on the various Borderlands 3 characters and classes, look no further than our fully up-to-date For those who want to take Zane down the uber-high-damage route, you’ll probably want a build such as this one, which invests heavily in the Doubled Agent skill tree as well as the Hitman tree. Edit. Learn all you need to know about Zane the Operative's skill tree in Borderlands 3! FL4K. Investing heavily in Under Cover will ensure that you can take pretty much anything any enemy can throw at you (particularly useful for certain boss fights), while our remaining skills will be given to the Doubled Agent tree to keep our damage potential up to scratch.Despite this being a tanky build, I’m of the opinion that damage is your priority in the early levels, so you should probably still start by picking up a good 3-5 After this your aim is basically to go straight down the middle of the green tree, investing in When that’s all done it’s time to head back to Doubled Agent to shore up your damage a bit. The real loot was the friends we made along the way