Furthermore, Air Liquide offers shareholders the option of voting by Internet, prior to the Shareholders’ Meeting using the Votaccess secure voting platform either: — via the Company’s website, www.airliquide.com , under the Shareholders section, which will redirect the … x��]K��6����W�m�&\�$�7{�� ;䱵'�Z�z�H����c~�/����a�L HVuK�z%E(J�H�;���J5g��K?.^��������곧�^�������g�?�U�����L7T�-y������]�z�]���V�ջ��׋�AUƘn��g{5Tck����t������Ȍ��v�˫�Ft��pE��

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>> Air Liquide mobilise l’ensemble de ses actionnaires individuels, à partir d’une action détenue, autour du vote à l’Assemblée Générale. �#�~�?�&��l?V]�ף著]h���(��^�&�j��v�4��$�}�݀)r)�"6��h�~z���|�W{��:u������Q���q�n�/�CC=�Sg�i��á5U����A���ӥ�������Q��Y�tf���PW��l��_��m��V|�'�:;�V���?X�:�¿ٵ���z�Q_�Ÿ��/�n�ݨ�3��C�6v��i���&=/�u��.8|���52�ü��`Ot��џ���R�[�����:�gʞ���� Ѷ�\��W��FS� Its new units doubled Air Liquide’s biomethane capacity, reaching 60MW, the equivalent of 500 GWh for a full year of production.The main activity of Air Liquide Engineering & Construction is the design, engineering and construction of processing facilities and associated infrastructure. Find a store . ARCAL : la soluzione Air Liquide per i gas di protezione nella saldatura ad arco elettrico. Before the 2013 Shareholders’ Meeting : you can also vote by Internet !

Air Liquide is the largest producer of EPA Protocol Gas in Canada and has developed the expertise to produce EPA mixtures locally in order to better serve our customers. Between 2001 and 2006, Alain Joly (Chairman of the Supervisory Board) and Benoît Potier (Chairman of the Executive Board) led the management team in pairs, before Benoît Potier took charge of the group.By 29 February 2016, the company had a share value of 33,434 million euros, distributed in 344,222,603 shares. 25 grandes sociétés choisissent VOTACCESS pour leurs AG 2013 . Air Liquide's revenue amounted to 22 billion euros in 2019 and its solutions that protect life and the environment represented more than 40% of sales. 0000000015 00000 n

NOXAL™ 1. Air Liquide supply them with gas and energy by direct pipeline.

In early 2018, Air Liquide commissioned three new biomethane production units, in the United States, in France, and in the United Kingdom. 0000009901 00000 n

Oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen are essential small molecules for life, matter and energy. Air Liquide - Invitation to our General Meeting 2020. By continuing to use our website, you agree to our use of such cookies.A world leader in gases, technologies and services for Industry and Health, Air Liquide is present in 80 countries with approximately 67,000 employees and serves more than 3.7 million customers and patients. Read More. Sulfur Hexafluoride Market Revenue Status, Demand, Sales and Overview Outlook 2020 - Advanced Specialty Gases., Air Liquide, Air Products and Chemicals, Inc May. In 1946, Air Liquide founded In 1957, Air Liquide began its activity in the large industry and created networks of pipelines irrigating several large industrial basins in the world. Air Liquide’s activities in the health sector, through Air Liquide Healthcare, represented 18% of its gas and services sales revenue in 2016.

We use cookies to improve your browsing experience and help us improve our websites. On February 20, 1913, Air Liquide was listed on the By 1930, the company’s growth was successful with virtually no debt, where debt securities issuance represented only 15% of the company's resources.In 1938, Air liquide acquired La oxígena S.A.and started its activities in In 1945, after the Second World War, Jean Delorme, the son of Paul Delorme and the second president of the group, wanted to renovate and develop industrial tools. Send a message. Sie bringen ihre Persönlichkeit, ihre Kreativität, ihre Expertise und ihre Erfahrung mit. 0 ��д C�&FZB��H��2��d5��X�QKa��UK�1��FD�S�!�i���aE-�Q�7�1}�*(��jBs\~-�PR�n%�D\�%�9�2���(�LI�:�C� In 2019, this specialty represents 9% of Air Liquide's Gas & Services revenue.Initiated in 2015, the activity brings together all the activities related to the energy transition, particularly in terms of clean transport and biogas, the space industry and hydrogen energy.Air Liquide developed a helium cooling process for the ITER experimental reactor, an experimental fusion reactor located in In June 2016, Air Liquide set up its first multi-energy service station offering alternative fuels and, more generally, natural fuels: Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and Liquid Nitrogen (NThe control of the hydrogen chain, from production to distribution and storage, is a priority focus of Air Liquide's research, which focuses on the applications of hydrogen energy in transportation, from the space domain to the automobile.For space missions, Air Liquide creates cryogenic equipment for launchers, orbital systems, firing points and sensors cooled at very low temperatures.