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könnte eine Kamera aktiv geschaltet oder die Heizleistung reduziert werden).Du kannst dem Produkt einen Zeitplan geben, nach dem es arbeiten soll (z.B. As they detect the door opening, instead of the door opened (fully horizontal position) and closed (fully vertical position) only.
Every time the Administrator creates a user it needs to create this code for each.For the Admin to change this code it would be necessary to follow the instructions below: Wir bieten unseren Kunden beim Kauf mehrerer Artikel exklusive Mengen- und Paketrabatte. Works with one door only.
In case you do not have an account, please create one.Once you have accessed the app, select the option ADD CAMERA.Choose the option to select the cameras already connected to your Network. Calendar of events: Check what happens in your garage from the distance with a built-in calendar of events. Das ismartgate Standard Lite Garage im Einsatz. For two or three doors garage, ismartgate PRO version recommended. With the ismartgate you can define the time you want the connection to be stablished, from 1 second to 40 seconds.Please follow the instructions below to personalise the time you want the connection to be closed:In case that did not work and your door still does not open or close, please send us an email to with the brand, model of your door and a picture of the wall button (push button).The ismartgate does not allow the door to be hold open, nevertheless, you can define the time the connection is closed. The Video plugin is required if you want to add a camera to see your garage or gate with the ismartgate app. Check what happens in your garage from the distance with a … Wir möchten sicherstellen, dass Deine tink-Produkte alle einwandfrei installiert sind und funktionieren!Wenn Du mit der Installation Deiner Geräte ein Problem hast, hilft Dir das tink Service Team gerne via Chat oder E-Mail weiter.Sofern unsere Experten Dir nicht zu voller Zufriedenheit helfen konnten, organisiert tink einen kostenlosen Installations-Service vor Ort*.In jedem Fall kannst Du die Produkte innerhalb von 14 Tagen nach Zustellung kostenlos zurücksenden. Wenn Sie auf der Seite weitersurfen, stimmen Sie der Bei tink ist 1+1<2. First please check your spam folder.For us to be able to find the activation code we would need the Reference from your purchase. 15, 10119 Berlin Mit dem ismartgate Standard Lite Garage integrierst Du Dein Garagentor in Dein Smart Home.
Calendar of events. Wahlen Sie hierfür einfach Ratenzahlung im Rahmen des Bestellprozesses.
Bei tink können Sie bequem in monatlichen Raten zahlen. If you do not have one it can be purchased from one of our shops:If you have a sensor but is not working, it can be cause by different issues:The ismartgate's status light will blink faster each time it detects the sensor. Mit nicht mehr als ein paar Schritten installierst Du das System schnell und steuerst Dein Tor über Dein Smartphone. Wait until the camera is correctly added to your account.Go to the Camera Settings with the icon on the top-right of the screen.Choose the network you want to connect the camera to.Please leave the camera still connected to Ethernet for several minutes before unplugging the cord, for the camera to connect correctly to the Wi-Fi.Please make sure that the network in which the camera is connected is the same as the ismartgate, in case you want to see the camera feed from the ismartgate app. Mit der Paypal Ratenzahlung bieten wir Dir die Möglichkeit Deine gewünschten Artikel für 0% 6 oder 12 Monate zu finanzieren. Hierzu kannst Du auch jederzeit unseren Kundenservice kontaktierentink verwendet Cookies, um Ihnen den bestmöglichen Service zu gewährleisten. Die Installation funktioniert bei allen motorisierten Garagentoren.
In case you do not have an account, please create one.Once you have accessed the app, select the option ADD CAMERA.Choose the option to select the cameras already connected to your Network.
Wir stellen sicher, dass Deine tink-Produkte alle einwandfrei funktionieren.Du zahlst keine Versandkosten. * Installationsverfügbarkeit je nach Standort. Wait until the camera is correctly added to your account.Go to the Camera Settings with the icon on the top-right of the screen.Choose the network you want to connect the camera to.Please leave the camera still connected to Ethernet for several minutes before unplugging the cord, for the camera to connect correctly to the Wi-Fi.Please make sure that the network in which the camera is connected is the same as the ismartgate, in case you want to see the camera feed from the ismartgate app. Mit dem Smarten Garagentor-System von ismartgate rüstest Du Dein Garagentor ganz einfach um.
Du erhältst bei tink ab dem zweiten Produkt einen Mengenrabatt Bei tink ist 1+1<2.
They detect the vibrations of the door opening, therefore they can make the detection for IFTTT triggers more reliable.First, make sure that the camera is properly reset.Press the Reset button at the back until the camera says: Connect the Ethernet cable directly to the camera and to the router, or the extender power line adapter (Ethernet via power line).In case you want to connect the Camera to the Wi-Fi with your ismartgate CAM App, please scroll down for the instructions.To connect your camera to the Wi-Fi with your Computer please use the instructions below:First of all, please download the program from here:Open the ismartgate Cam App and enter your username (email) and password. You can use a Gate without an issue, but the icon and the home app will treat the gate as a Garage door accessory.The ismartgate is not compatible with CarPlay for now.At the moment, HomeKit is not compatible with CarPlay because it requires a confirmation from the user every time you want to open or close the door.That confirmation requires to unlock the phone and confirm, that is considered dangerous if you are using your car with CarPlay.Unfortunately, the remote access is not allowed with HomeKit You can even associate an iPad to act as a bridge, Please note that to create Automations you would have the same requirement as for the remote access.
Die Rückgabefrist beträgt 14 Tage.Deine Einwilligung kannst Du jederzeit kostenfrei per Link im Newsletter für die Zukunft widerrufen, ohne dass dies Auswirkungen auf die Rechtmäßigkeit der bis zum Widerruf erfolgten Verarbeitung hat.