Video-editing apps needn't be costly. All you simply do is hit a hotkey whenever you want to save the last 10 minutes or so of recording to keep the files. DaVinci Resolve is great but it takes a lot of power to run smoothly, my yoga 2 pro couldn't run it well and neither can my new MacBook Pro, but maybe it's just me, I'd give it a shot anyway. Not sure how it would fare with pro needs, but for my casual video editing it's really superb.But what it comes down to is comfortability in each software and easy usage between the user and the interface...For Game recording from consoles take a look at "Elgato Game Capture HD"I'm currently using Final Cut Pro X, which I personally love. START SMALL, FOCUS ON YOUR EDITING SKILLS, NOT THE PROGRAM YOU TOTE.PS Look up "capture card" on Amazon or eBay and find some prices. Also Sony Vegas is the easiest to get for free.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castA subreddit for amateur, hobbyist, and prosumer editors to meet, share techniques and tutorials and find troubleshooting help. It is a slow and tedious interface, though.-APPLE Final Cut (was) the indie editor's favorite tool for a very long time, but it was sort watered down REALLY EXTENSIVELY after it's 7th version. Can't believe it's free software, runs pretty well on my gaming rig so make sure you've got plenty of oomph to run it.As most other comments here are saying, I've heard wonderful things about DaVinci Resolve. Read the rules before you post; there are monthly threads for feedback, software and hardware (posting on these topics will be removed)Press J to jump to the feed.

The Best Video Editing Software for 2020. It is simply and quick and dirty.IT IS IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND THAT AN EDITING PROGRAM DOES NOT MAKE A GOOD EDIT.
It's function exists only in making quick and dirty amateur edits, but don't underestimate it. Plenty of free alternatives exist for both Windows 10 and MacOS. In any case, great work. It colors and it has incredible trackinf (which really only applies to color right now).In my opinion you should try adobe premiere pro or Sony Vegas, the "problem" with premiere pro is that you must do everything by yourself while Sony Vegas comes with a lot of presetsBut you should try both to see which one you like more.I would advise that you look into getting Premiere Pro for your video editing (it's my personal favourite), or maybe just something as simple as Windows Movie Maker if you are unsure about getting a bigger program.As for your recording, check out FRAPS or Bandicam for PC recordings. Not only does this save you a lot of space on your harddrive, it all but eliminates the need to wade through hours of footage to find your highlight reel of clips.Since you are just doing simple editing, you'll be fine with using any version of Sony Vegas Movie studio Platinum (which can be purchased for less than $30 and in some cases and as low as $15 if you buy from Amazon). I'm not partial to any one in particular, but a google search should turn up some good options/reviews.Davinci Resolve 11 is the new cat on the block.

ShotCut.A very promising NLE which is easy to use and there are several excellent tutorials on their website.. Lightworks. The quality is extremely high as well. I don't record consoles myself so I can't recommend models, but it's what all my friends use. This man/ woman / ape like creature knows their software. There's no "best" software when it comes to video editing, just finding the right software that will address your needs. Only con is that it doesn't take mp3 audio tracks so you have to convert to .wav before adding it to your timeline.. Hitfilm Express. It also is used to create motion tracked text.-APPLE iMovie is an incredibly simple editing tool. And settings I have to check when I'll get home and get back to u.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castA community of picture and film oriented users with the shared passion for developing and viewing content created with the GoPro camera systems.Press J to jump to the feed.