in Gates to Infinity), regardless of level, but is prone to missing. 8) Power 1 Accuracy 30% Priority 0 Does not make contact; Affected by Protect; Not affected by Magic Coat or Magic Bounce; Not … A prerequisite to the success of this move is that the attacker must be equal to or higher than the level of the opposing Pokémon. When the beam of energy hits the ground, an orb of energy appears by the ground.The user opens a fissure in the ground and drops the foe in. Pokémon Sword and Shield Guide & Walkthrough Wiki. Fissure is a Ground-type move that was introduced in Gen 1. Fissure inflicts damage equal to the target's current HP. Because this move inflicts a specific and finite amount of damage, The foe is dropped into a fissure. fissure in the ground This is a page on the move Fissure, and the Pokemon who can learn this move in Pokemon Sword and Shield. Read on to see the Power and Accuracy of Fissure, as well as its PP. Fissure is a one-hit KO move. Fissure will break a … One-hit KO. faints if it hits.Inflicts damage equal to the target's max HP. From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.The user opens up a fissure in the ground and drops the foe in.Sandshrew jumps into the air, then dives onto the ground, creating a fissure as it lands.Tauros rattles the battlefield with his hooves, then uses one of his hooves to slice open the ground with a white energy beam.Groudon slams its arm into the ground and it sends a white energy beam from it at the opponent.The user opens a fissure in the ground and drops the foe in. The formula for Fissure's accuracy is: Accuracy = ((user level - target level) + 30) * 100% Fissure's chance of hitting is unaffected by accuracy and evasion stats. One-hit KO moves have the lowest accuracy in the game. Check BulbaNewsNOW for up-to-date Pokémon news and discuss it on the forums or in the Bulbagarden Discord server. Fissure is an one hit knock out Ground -type move. The target faints instantly if this attack hits.The user opens up a fissure in the ground and drops the target in. Despite having an accuracy of 30% listed, Fissure's chance of hitting is independent of accuracy and evasionstats; instead, it depends on the level of the user and the level of the target and is worked out with the formula: Fissure can be used as part of a Pokémon Contest combination, wi…
It then waves its arm at the ground and an energy beam shoots down from the sky and hits the ground. The foe faints if it hits.The user opens up a fissure in the ground and drops the foe in. Classic editor History Comments Share. Z-Move effects Japan: August 11th 2011 America: October 24th 2011 Europe: December 2nd 2011 If the user is a lower level than the target, this move will fail.Because this move inflicts a specific and finite amount of damage, endure still prevents the target from fainting.The effects of lock on, mind reader, and no guard still apply, as long as the user is equal or higher level than the target.
Ignores accuracy and evasion modifiers.
The target instantly It is strong against Poison, Rock, Steel, Fire and Electric Pokémon and weak against Bug and Grass Pokémon. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.
Fissure (Japanese: じわれ Fissure) is a Ground-type one-hit knockout move. This move's accuracy is 30% plus 1% for each level the user is higher than the target. Fissure is a Ground-type Main move in Pokémon GO that deals 0 damage and generates 0 energy.
Type Ground: Category Physical: PP 5 (max. Fissure (Japanese: じわれ Fissure) is a Ground-type one-hit knockout move introduced in Generation I. Ignores accuracy and evasion modifiers.
One-hit knockout moves (一撃必殺わざ one-hit knockout moves) are moves that are guaranteed to faint the target in one hit. Effects of the move may be from an earlier version or missing.this move has the following additional effects: Fissure Attack & Move listings for Pokémon Sword & Shield. Inflicts damage equal to the target's max HP.Ignores accuracy and evasion modifiers. In Generation II, it was the signature move of Diglett and Dugtrio. This page was created by a bot and is up to date with the Final Version. Fissure: Battles. Affected by type immunities. It is strong against Poison, Rock, Steel, Fire and Electric Pokémon and weak against Bug and Grass Pokémon. Fissure (move) Edit.
Inflicts damage equal to the target's max HP.
The move will always fail against a target 30 or more levels above the user.
However, they will not give this move a chance to break through detect or protect. The target instantly faints if it hits.Sandshrew jumps into the air and faces its head down at the ground. This move's accuracy is 30% plus 1% for each level the user is higher than the target. The target faints instantly if this attack hits.Ground Pokémon get STAB, and have their types highlighted in green.Pokémon with higher Attack are more suited to Fissure's physical damage, and have the stat highlighted in green. This attack's original accuracy increases by the level difference between the user and the target (other accuracy modifiers are ignored for this attack). It is a Physical attack move. The target instantly faints if it hits.The user opens up a fissure in the ground and drops the target in. The user opens up a and drops the foe in. Changes. Fissure is a Ground - type move first introduced in Generation I. The user opens up a fissure in the ground and drops the foe in. Like other one-hit KO moves, the foe must be at an equal than or lower level than the player character's Pokémon in order to have a chance to hit (a small chance at that). Its accuracy is 30%.