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Get track Get track Great concert, Joe and band full of positive energy despite a less-than full Paradiso Noord!
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Originally formed in London under the name Santa’s Boyfriend in 2001, Fiction Plane is currently comprised of lead vocalist, guitar and bass player Joe Sumner, guitarist Seton Daunt and Americ… Some user-contributed text on this page is available under the 61
The trio were born to perform, they were born to play great records!I will definitely be looking for future gigs of this band as they have earned themselves a spot on my playlist!Great concert, Joe and band full of positive energy despite a less-than full Paradiso Noord! Get album 4 803
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Shop for Vinyl, CDs and more from Fiction Plane at the Discogs Marketplace. Unfortunately there are no concert dates for Fiction Plane scheduled in 2020.
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2 Fiction Plane’s first major label release, Everything Will Never Be OK, with MCA Records, was released in the US in March 2003 with the single "Hate".
The trio from London are amazing on CD and even better when seen live!Their catchy rhythms and creamy guitars provide nothing but good vibes all round, with a loyal fan base turning up to their performance the room was full to capacity, a mixture of fans from different cultures and backgrounds.Showing just how varied the bands sound is as it goes from indie rock to alternative rock!When performing their song 'two sisters' a song with easy to learn lyrics, the crowd went wild and sung the chorus along with the band, they smiled, we smiled, there were smiles all round.This is what we come to concerts for!