Sunday, bloody Sunday SIm RE SOL G|-0--0--0--0--0---0--| SIm RE SOL

D|-------------------------------------------------------------| A|--------------------| SIm RE SOL
G|-------------------------------------------------| The real battle just begun SIm RE SOL La "domenica di sangue" descritta da Bono nel testo di Sunday Bloody Sunday è il 30 gennaio 1972, giorno in cui l'esercito del Regno Unito sparava contro la folla durante una manifestazione a Derry, Irlanda. Riff 3

RE SIm RE SOL Strum: Sim Re Sol6 (x 2 Volte) Sim Re Sol6 And the battle's just begun Sim Re Sol6 There's many lost, but tell me who has won Sim Re Sol6 The trench is dug within our hearts Sim Re Sol6 And mothers, children, brothers, sisters Torn apart Sim Re Sol6 Sunday, Bloody Sunday Sim Re Sol6 Sunday, Bloody Sunday … B|-12-12-12-10-10--10-| We eat and drink while tomorrow they die e|-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--| SIm RE SOL D|---------------------------------------------------| B|-0--0--0--0--0---0---0--0--0--0--0---0---12-12-12-10-10--10--| E|--------------------------------| There's many lost, but tell me who has won? I can't believe the news today G|-----------------------------------------0--0--0--0--0---0---| Wipe your bloodshot eyes

It puts my back up against the wall


SIm RE SOL SIm RE SOL Sunday Bloody Sunday Chords by U2. D=X,X,X,2,3,2 'Cause tonight we can be as one, tonight! To claim the victory Jesus won, How long, how long? SIm RE SOL SIm RE SOL Sunday, bloody Sunday

Scorrendo questa pagina o cliccando qualunque suo elemento acconsenti all'uso dei cookie. B|------------------------7ha-----|

And it's true we are immune A|--------------------------------| B|-3-5-3-5-5-7-7-8-8-10-10-12-12-15-15-14-10-12-12-| Sunday, bloody Sunday

SIm RE SOL SIm RE SOL A|-------------------------------------------------------------|


FA DO/MI RE FA DO/MI RE MIm Learn to play guitar by chord / tabs using chord diagrams, transpose the key, watch video lessons and much more. 'Cause tonight we can be as one, tonight! How long must we sing this song? G|---4------------2--------------0-------0-----------| E|-------------------------------------------------------------| Wipe your tears away D|-------------------------------------------------------------| SIm RE SOL

D|-------------------------------------------------| SIm RE SOL A|-------------------------------------------------| Ha conseguito la licenza in teoria musicale e solfeggio presso il Conservatorio Cherubini di Firenze. How long, how long? SIm RE SOL Sunday, bloody Sunday Broken bottles under children's feet FA DO/MI RE FA DO/MI RE

But I won't heed the battle call SIm RE SOL Bm D G6 Broken bottles under children's feet Bm D G6 Bodies strewn across the dead end street Bm D G6 But I won't heed the battle call Bm D It puts my back up G6 Puts my back up against the wall [Chorus] Bm D G6 Sunday, Bloody Sunday Bm D G6 Sunday, Bloody Sunday F Em D Sunday, Bloody Sunday F Em D..uh let's go.. e|-12-12-12-10-10--10--12-12-12-10-10--10----------------------| A|-------------------------------------------------------------| When fact is fiction and T.V. Sunday, bloody Sunday

D|-7ha--------5ha-----------------| Sunday, bloody Sunday SIm RE SOL E|-------------------------------------------------| RE Oh, I can't close my eyes and make it go away RE MIm Wipe your tears away Wipe the tears from your eyes Intro: SIm RE SOL e|--------------------| Solo: is reality G=X,10,12,12,12,X How long? SIm RE SOL SIm RE SOL SIm RE SOL SIm RE SOL A|--------------------| SIm RE SOL SIm RE SOL SIm RE SOL SIm RE SOL SIm RE SOL SIm RE SOL MIm E|--------------------| D|--------------------| SIm RE SOL SIm RE SOL

SIm RE SOL SIm RE SOL Sunday, bloody Sunday And today the millions cry La "domenica di sangue" descritta da Bono nel testo di Bm=X,X,X,4,3,2 And mother's children, brothers, sisters torn apart B|-10-10-10-8-8-8-7-7-5-5-3-3h5-3-3-2h3-2-0--0-0-0-| e|-------------------------------------------------| G|-----------------------------------------0--0--0--0--0---0---| D|--------------------| The trenches dug within our hearts Sunday, bloody Sunday A|---------------------------------------------------| G|-----7ha--------5ha---------7ha-|