Default setting for Last Seen is Everybody on the application. In my case this is something useful when I need to be concentrated and have no time to reply to my contacts. Why people want to hide online status on WhatsApp? However, the very moment you open the app this will start working again - but we have already told you how to ignore notifications so...If you don’t want the sender to get the ‘Double Tick’ notification that indicates that the message has been delivered (and received on your device), don’t open WhatsApp after you have hit the ‘Force Stop’ button.You can undo all these steps as and when you choose. "The Sun", "Sun", "Sun Online" are registered trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers Limited. The app itself does not give you an option to ‘disappear’ or act like you don’t check your texts, there are other ways to hack it for that ‘me time’.

Set Your Last Seen Setting to Nobody. Therefore, you don't check your phone unless you manually choose to do so.Go to your phone settings, open Apps, open list of Apps, select WhatsApp, tap on Notifications and disable all notifications for it. How’s it going everybody? Happy switching off!The Red Bull R1v1r Runes tourney completes second year in IndiaUbisoft announces special Rainbow Six Siege standard edition in India, priced at Rs 499PUBG Mobile ushers in Season 10 with a content updateMozilla's upcoming 72 update will do away with notification pop-upsThe Live Gamer Mini is a compact gaming capture card What are the possibilities?Hello! Your last seen wont be also changed at all.If a person’s phone is switched off(phone is spoiled), how can the person still receive WhatsApp messages(double grey ticks) and appear online on WhatsApp? Be respectful, keep it civil and stay on topic.

What this does is it kills the app without actually uninstalling or deleting it.

This trick only works if you don't have WhatsApp open when the text comes through. We delete comments that violate our policy, which we encourage you to read. There is an available option that keeps it visible to contacts, if you so desire.Wouldn’t the world be a boring place if everything was just handed to you?Behind all of the ghost activity, there is seemingly always a dedicated Ghostbuster standing in the background looking to catch it.With WhatsApp ghosts, there is enough technology and software that would make Peter, Ray, Winston, and Egon blush. WhatsApp has become one of the main messaging apps that we use on a daily basis to stay in touch with people. All you need to do is open up the app and go to settings again. The program opens messages in a bubble and allows accessing offline in the text function. By turning on the airplane mode on your phone ( you can see how to do it on iOS or on Android... 2.

Turn off notification light for WhatsApp. Inside the Data Option under Phone Settings, disable Background Data and revoke all app permissions for WhatsApp. =DDDDHi, can anyone tell me that how can I chat for more than an hour or so on WhatsApp with one of my friend, and simultaneously I want to be seen offline to another friend without blocking him. You should take a minute and read the This is also pretty easy to do. Hide Last Seen status. There is a way around that on the iPhone, however. You can always read about their Back to our ‘paranormal’ approaches, let’s see how you can become invisible on WhatsApp without tipping the balance into behavior to get you banned.Assuredly by now you have noticed that WhatsApp is nothing like the old MSN Messenger which had a very literal I also wish it were this simple, but unfortunately, that’s never going to be the case.While it might not be this simple, it also does not mean that you are out of options, either.I can explain below how to do these individual methods as well, but understand that chat settings and layout might differ slightly between devices.By turning on the airplane mode on your phone( you can see When you turn off airplane mode, if the app is still open, you become visible to anyone online.

… Avoid people sending to you stupid photos or videos.I’d like to thank you for the efforts you have put in penning thisWow, fantastic!!! Be aware, though, that this does nothing to prevent the visibility of your online status.This is another popular option among a large grouping of WhatsApp users.You might not even realize that you have the opportunity to modify settings and not inform contacts that you have read the messages they’ve sent.Unsure of how these notifications and stamps occur and how to identify them? Thanks very much!!! In case, if you’re also the one who’s getting annoyed just like me and want to know how you can stay invisible on Whatsapp, then don’t forget to read the below whatsapp special on WhatsWithTech. Open WhatsApp, go to settings, then to notifications and select Silent ringtone as your notification and call ringtone.With this, even when you do get a notification on WhatsApp, you don’t hear it.