This completes the Sub Event unlocking Tao and Master Shen's Soul Emblems. His divisions are beginning to see the results of his convictions, as a prototype of an advance… "Goku's Perplexing Problem?! Tao attempts to back up his brother's assertion but stops when he notices Gohan's face and vaguely recognizes his resemblance to Goku and that he feels like he's seen the little runt before. This "pre-emptive strike" angered both the American (for killing his own countrymen) and the Chinese (for trying to trigger a war between the United States and China) Presidents, causing both nations to boycott each other's goods for a month.
Mercenary Tao, also known as Tao Pai Pai (桃タオ白パイ白パイ, Taopaipai), is an antagonist in the Dragon Ball manga, and the anime Dragon Ball, also making two filler appearances in Dragon Ball Z. Le poulet du général Tao (左公鸡, zuǒ gōng jī ou 左宗棠鸡 ; zuǒ Zōng Táng jī, en chinois) est un mets fait de petits morceaux de poulet frits enrobés dans une sauce sirupeuse sucrée. Tao thinks to himself that they should forget the protection scheme as he has no desire to be anywhere near such a family of freaks. Tao was also shown to be quite fast, as when fighting he appeared to be a blur in the eyes of Upa. After Tien shows his new powers (which far exceed Tao's), Tao realizes that Tien is stronger than him and gives him credit.
Master Shen can't believe he actually won against such a creature and Mercenary Tao thinks it's impossible. Tao makes an appearance in multiple sub-stories in Mercenary Tao meets Commander Red and Staff Officer BlackTao prepares to leave the land of Korin after defeating GokuTao giving a tailor three days time to finish his outfitTao frustratingly tries to figure out how Goku is so much strongerTao becomes frightened when seeing his grenade kicked into the airTake your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. "The Puzzle of General Tao" (悟ご空くうに難なん問もん!? Goku proves to be more of a challenge than Blue, but with barely any effort, Tao knocks him around a bit, dodging Goku's flurry of attacks easily, and then knocks him out with the Tao with the tailor, who just asked for money for his servicesTao's sword being broken in half by Goku's Power PoleWhen he arrives, Upa throws his small axe at Tao, but Tao dodges his attack and strangles him for information about the location of the Dragon Ball.
General Tao believes such trials and errors are part of the development process. He is a highly skilled assassin-for-hire, as well as the younger brother of Master Shen. He wears a pink Tao is shown to be extremely sadistic and evil in his actions, taking a lot of joy in killing people and not viewing his missions as just "jobs" but as a means to enjoy himself. They find them on a hillside overlooking Goku's House. Then, Tao takes a gamble and charges at Tien, but Tien manages to easily dodge Tao's attempt and attack him straight afterward, making Tao fall to the ground flat on his face, not even realizing what just happened. Thus it's advised to expand quickly and increase your income so you can build up you assault force and rebuild lost assets from weapons strikes quickly. Impatient to a fault, General Tao relies heavily on nuclear technology on the battlefield. When Upa refuses to answer, Tao throws him at the tower, where Goku narrowly saves him, to Tao's surprise. The 60 year old General Tao gets what he wants, at any cost. The Chinese Martial Court severely punished Tao for this action but his talents made him too essential for the PLA to be truly rid of him.
If he cannot, however, Goku must surrender the ones he has with him. However, the Nuclear Storm is very poorly defended and will fall easily to weapon strikes, its lengthy 12 minute countdown also means that pretty much every super weapon can get at least one launch before it does. WARNING: Do not use this weapon in combination with other air strikes, it can destroy your planes. After he gets his clothes changed, Tao takes a pillar from the castle and rides it to the location where Goku was at.
Attack! In the beginning, Tao will only send in basic units such as infantries, Battlemaster Tanks, Irradiator Tanks, Gatling Tanks, Helixes and Howitzers. Starting on Rank 3, however, he will begin to field more advanced units, such as Overlord Tanks, Nuke Cannons and Nuclear MiGs.