We call on the UK government to make a bold financial and political commitment to nature's recovery. The information you submit will be deleted from the database no later than 12/31/2021. Individuals who include an email address when signing the petition may be contacted for specific global, regional, or national-level activations pertaining to the Campaign for Nature where appropriate. For each signatory of our petition we will create a new record in our encrypted database that will include an auto generated unique ID, first name, last name or initial, country of residence and, if provided, an email address.
Sign the 30x30 for Nature petition and voice your support for protecting 30% of the land and ocean by 2030. Places like World Heritage listed Ningaloo and Shark Bay, and the Abrolhos Islands.The Great Australian Bight supports an abundance of life. Any cookies in use by the Photographs by James P. Blair, National Geographic and Enric Sala, National Geographic. Rewilding and other natural climate solutions can draw millions of tonnes of CO2 out of the air through restoring and protecting our living systems. It's a vital nursery for the protected southern right whale, home to endangered sea lions and more than 36 species of dolphins and whales. Are you in?Tell Federal Environment Minister Sussan Ley NOT to approve Wild Drake’s helicopter-tourism proposal at Lake Malbena inside the World-Heritage listed Walls of Jerusalem National Park!Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised that this website may contain images, names and voices of people who are deceased. We’re demanding that the UN make it a universal human right to live on a healthy planet. This year, we have an opportunity to get governments worldwide to agree to Top scientists say we need half of the planet in its natural state to prevent the extinction of one million species, stay below 1.5°C, and safeguard all people that rely on nature to survive and thrive. Another name is a “Circulating Petition” and a DC voter that signs this Initiative 81 petition is called a “Petitioner.” In order to get Initiative 81 on November’s general election ballot, the campaign must have 5% of the registered DC voters in 5 of the 8 Wards sign the Initiative 81 ballot access petition (About 30,000 petitioners!). More details. Show our decision-makers that people like you care about what happens to Australia's environment. Every year the Federal Government releases huge swathes of offshore acreage for potential exploration by Big Oil.
© 2020 Wilderness Society
Signatories of our petition are asked to provide a first name, last name (or first initial of the last name), country of residence and optionally an email address. Join us. For people. Petition Restore nature on a massive scale to help stop climate breakdown To avoid a climate emergency we need to act fast. Adding a personalised message will make your signature even more powerful. Oil and whale sharks don’t mix.
You will be able to opt out of these communications if you no longer wish to receive them. Tens of thousands of Australians want strong national nature laws that end extinction and an independent watchdog to enforce them. When you create or sign a petition advocating for the environmental issues that matter to you, you become part of the Care2 community -- a community that has made world-changing impact through starting campaigns and supporting each other's work. Mesopinions.com se bat pour protéger la nature et l'environnement.
We are collecting digital signatures as a broad indicator of public support for protecting at least 30% of the planet by 2030. We will not solicit petition signers for an email newsletter.