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The employer or company pays the arbitrator’s compensation unless the employee or individual, post dispute, voluntarily elects to pay a portion of the arbitrator’s compensation. 167 0 obj
0000031540 00000 n
0000022968 00000 n
Fees are subject to increase if the amount of a claim or counterclaim is modi"ed after the initial "ling date. 0000005553 00000 n
Since our founding, the AAA has been at the forefront of the development and refinement of the court-tested rules and procedures that are the bedrock of any successful alternative dispute resolution process. 0000031563 00000 n
0000002722 00000 n
The American Arbitration Council operates on a fixed-fee arrangement. 0000031465 00000 n
0000000016 00000 n
endobj 0000126710 00000 n
(2) In the absence of a written agreement to be bound by the arbitration, the decision automatically becomes binding, unless, as permitted under Rule 7B, any party seeks a trial de novo pursuant to the [jurisdiction's rules of civil procedure] within 30 days after service of the decision. 0000022077 00000 n
The fees shall be paid according to the following schedule:The parties are free to agree amongst themselves as to when each party is to pay its agreed upon portion of the fees. endobj /I true /K false >> >> 0000031641 00000 n
The following table sets forth the fee arrangement:All fees shall be divided equally… 0000024017 00000 n
The Annex I Arbitration Mechanism and required contribution to the Arbitral Fund are separate from an organization’s obligation to provide an Independent Recourse Mechanism (IRM). 0000005665 00000 n
0000004228 00000 n
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0000022467 00000 n
App. 0000033854 00000 n
0000135944 00000 n
0000009124 00000 n
AAA Rule R-45 provides for “an award of attorneys’ fees if all parties have requested such an award or it is authorized by law or their arbitration agreement.” 0000023498 00000 n
0000034932 00000 n
0000006727 00000 n
0000006112 00000 n
0000130883 00000 n
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0000003556 00000 n
The fixed-fee amount for each arbitration is dictated by (1) the number of pages of pleadings; and (2) the number of days needed for the final arbitration hearing. The fixed-fee amount for each arbitration is dictated by (1) the number of pages of pleadings; and (2) the number of days needed for the final arbitration hearing. 0000133115 00000 n
guide will not go over refunds or cancellation fees, so please review the rules that apply to your case for that information.
0000005272 00000 n
0000022920 00000 n
LEXIS 439 (Mo. 21, 2015), the Missouri Court of Appeals confirmed an arbitration award that included the award of attorney fees absent a contract with an attorney fee provision, statutory authority, or "special circumstances." The American Arbitration Association’s Construction Industry Arbitration Rules & Mediation Procedures, for example, expressly addresses the award of attorneys’ fees. Ct. App. Education has been at the core of the AAA's mission since its inception. 0000003377 00000 n
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0000009208 00000 n
0000032486 00000 n
7 0 obj Two Types of Costs There are two main types of costs in arbitration — administrative fees paid to the American Arbitration Association, and arbitrator compensation and expenses paid to the arbitrator who decides the case. h�bb�``b``Ń3���0 �gu
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endobj << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> The American Arbitration Association ¨ (AAA) O!ers Two Fee Schedules The American Arbitration Association is responding to the current economic challenges a!ecting organizations worldwide, as well as to customersÕ expressed service needs, by o!ering parties to arbitration cases the choice of two fee schedules to initiate these cases. 0000011171 00000 n
Having the right rules is foundational to the success of any international dispute resolution process. 0000034124 00000 n
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Under the Employment/Workplace Fee Schedule, the employee’s or individual’s fee is capped at $300, unless the clause provides that the employee or individual pay less. 0000033602 00000 n
0000034548 00000 n
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