I'd say the bow in question has a lot of "over damage" below Lv 50 enemies, any faction, with just those 5 mods + 1 elemental. Paris prime is nearly as good as the best bow in the game Dread. You know what. Really I just need a straight forward answer for this. Need to forma it once more to get in a maxed Vital  but it kills, and thats what counts :3T3 Leader enemies will hover around the Lv55-60 range.Use full Toxin on Corpus (it will outdamage a Toxin/Magnetic or pure Magnetic combo, though you can also do that if you want a balance for killing MOAs and crewmen), Corrosive on Infested (I wouldn't bring a bow to Infested though tbh). Mitgliedschaft wählen, inkl. Der Paris Prime wurde mit Update 9 ins Spiel eingeführt. Though I don't remember if it even CAN crit uncharged; I thought it could?Here's somewhat of the barebones for a Paris Prime (you could reduce the level of Point Strike for more capacity to play with, I just like my mods perfectly maxed).the three slots imo is preference.

Just need a forma then I'll have the room for maxed vital sense.

Paris Prime is a bow that works. You never know when it might get vaulted or when it might be unvaulted again. So its coming :3You won't need Shred since fully-charged arrows have a pretty good amount of puncture, Speed Trigger will give you a managebale charge ratethe critical dmg on that build is lower than it's supposed to be o.omaxed vital sense on my paris prime gives me 4.4x crit dmgThat's odd.

This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. Should you really like Bows, then I highly recommend that you build one. WF-Builder has a lot of small bugs at the moment, though.Oh, my bad, I misread what he said.

Manche der angegebenen Links hier sind Affiliate-Links. You never know when it might get vaulted or when it might be unvaulted again.

The Paris uses a chargeable magnetic field to launch arrows capable of impaling enemies to walls.

Weapons; Question.

Paris is most likely named for Paris of Troy in Homer's Iliad, who was a skilled archer and the one to have killed Achilles by firing an arrow into his heel. Being able to headshot Corrupted Gunners at Lv60+ is rather nice, though.what I'm running at the moment. Nach Ihrem Gratiszeitraum kostet Amazon Prime nur EUR 7,99/Monat (weniger als 29 Cent pro Tag). Der Paris Prime bietet höheren Standard- als auch Aufladeschaden sowie eine schnellere Zieh- und Anlegezeit der Pfeile als beim Paris.

So is there any place I can farm the relic and get Paris prime grip.


And you also have a point about the ducats.

It's in a three way tie for top with those being:  Rakta Cernos, Dread, and Paris Prime.

It's handy on stealth missions like spy. Paris prime is nearly as good as the best bow in the game Dread. It was released alongside Oberon Prime and Silva& Aegis Prime. Fact is I need a bow, a good bow at that, for spy missions (mostly because my friend keeps screaming at me to be stealthy, and I use guns...) This is mostly due to it's very high base damage and easy to achieve 100% status.

It is a mindset and tactic, not simply a weapon choice.

The thing about Paris Prime is that unless I actually use an Extinguished Key, it still deals 9k on Lv 34ish Corrupted Ancient Body...times 2. I should keep it just because it might get vaulted. Melee weapons are silent by nature and can get finisher kills, granting higher damage. Paris prime is nearly as good as the best bow in the game Dread. ©2015 Digital Extremes Ltd. All rights reserved.

Speed Trigger ups your DPS by lowering your charge time, two slots for the obvious elemental combination of choice (also up to you if you wish to tailor one per faction), or three for a bit more raw damage. What do you mean by the second though? I completely read that wrong. Not that this is on topic for the post, but the Baza is a silent gun that is also an option for spy missions.

1: Popular PARIS PRIME Mods. Kauf / Herstellung Bearbeiten Paris prime is nearly as good as the best bow in the game Dread. Just sell for plat. If you have it mastered I would suggest either selling it in trade chat, on warframe.market or at least turn it in for ducats you can spend on I am assuming you already built the Paris Prime itself before the MR rebalance.

Pictures would be great if possible! Archived. Now with all of these slots I really dont know how to mod it.