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Jesse drives to Neil's shop. After their supplier, Overwhelmed with guilt for Drew's death, and correctly guessing that Mike is dead, Jesse tries to give his money to Saul with instructions to give half to Mike's granddaughter, and half to the parents of the boy Todd shot. His behavior nearly costs Walt a $1.2 million drug transaction with the powerful meth distributor After Jesse goes into hiding, Gus replaces him with Immediately after Gale's murder, Walt and Jesse are brought back to the superlab. Jack threatens to kill Brock next, if Jesse attempts to escape again.A few months later, Jack and his gang bring Jesse before Walt in shackles, at Jack's compound. He's so numb and cut off from everything. “Now I got mad volume. He finds it after several hours, but Neil and Casey arrive, identify themselves as police to Lou, Todd's busybody neighbor, and enter the apartment to search. During Jesse's next assignment with Mike, which involves the retrieval of stolen meth from two addicts, Jesse gets one addict fixated on digging a hole in the yard and disarms the other, which impresses Gus. Sure enough, our new friend Tucker comes out.He tosses Tucker the shovel, distracting him just long enough to allow Jesse and Mike to recover the product after dispatching with Tucker’s partner inside. Jesse breaks Todd's neck using the chain cuffing Jesse's hands, and Walt kills Jack. Gus and Mike take Jesse on a trip to Mexico to have him teach Walt's formula to the cartel's chemists. It is revealed that the man with the shotgun was working for Mike, and this was designed to get Jesse out of his state of depression and make him more loyal to Gus. Stuck with Walt and Jesse because he does not have Gale, and angry at Victor for being recognized at the scene of Gale's murder, Gus slices Victor's throat with a Mike informs Gus of Jesse's recklessness, but instead of ordering Jesse's death, Gus has Mike take Jesse on an errand to collect drop money. Our Favorite Jesse Pinkman Moments From ‘Breaking Bad’Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze didn’t get along nearly as well as their on-screen chemistry in ‘Dirty Dancing’ would suggest. Jesse notices that Walt is mortally wounded and forces him to admit that he actually wants to die. Shortly afterward, Jesse resumes his relationship with Andrea and becomes a father figure to Brock. Dissatisfied with the amount of money Jesse is making as a low-level dealer, Walt convinces him to find a high-end distributor. It was hard to nail him. 8. Leon Rose and Tom Thibodeau likely would have preferred a top pick, but the no. He asks for $1,800 and Neil refuses. Jesse, now completely free of the cartel, nods gratefully to Walt, then drives off, laughing and crying with relief.After fleeing the Brotherhood compound in Todd Alquist's Knowing from past events that Todd hid money in his apartment, Jesse sneaks into Todd's apartment and searches for it. How far you go is up to you”) and snacks (bargain cola and bite-size pretzels). The second season begins with Walt and Jesse delivering a fresh batch to Tuco, who senselessly beats one of his henchmen, "Realizing the authorities will track him down, Jesse seeks help from his friend, When Skinny Pete is robbed by a pair of addicts, Walt tells Jesse to "handle it". Walt calls it off when he sees Hank and Gomez are accompanying Jesse, and Walt surrenders to Hank. He approaches Emilio's cousin Walt and Jesse move their lab from the RV to Jesse's basement. Walt then hands Jesse a gun and asks him to kill him. Jesse Bruce Pinkman is a fictional character in the television series Breaking Bad, played by Aaron Paul.He is a crystal meth cook and dealer, and works with his former high school chemistry teacher, Walter White (Bryan Cranston) in a meth operation.Jesse is the only character besides Walt to appear in every episode of the show. Walt , however, walks away from most situations with few consequences (I think the writers were waiting to unleash his bad karma during the final 8).