The United Organization Toons Heroes Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Julia did make it clear that Isaac respected Hector though. The main antagonist of the Castlevania series is Dracula (ドラキュラ, Dorakyura), based on the original character by Bram Stoker and his depiction in film. Official background: The game's protagonist.

Isaac is present as Dracula meets with his generals. He'll do whatever it takes to make sure Dracula's plan come to fruition." When Rosaly was selling apples, he spread false rumors that she was a witch selling poisonous apples. Hector, when told by Julia that there is no other way, grants Isaac this in the end. He starts to step outside of Dracula's shadow after the Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He is a former general of Dracula who had decided he had enough of killing and fled.

As Hector's powers begin to grow, Isaac is confronted by him in the town of Cordova. Isaac was a follower of Dracula before Hector defeated him. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The unfinished Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.

He successfully tricks Hector into bringing back Dracula's castle and stabs Trevor in the chest from behind. He is something of a tragic character, in spite of his amoral actions and his vengeful, obsessive attitude toward Hector. The exact nature of their friendship is not well understood from the game. He proclaims that Hector will not have his revenge for Rosaly's death, and that he will have his own revenge for the humiliation Hector brought upon him three years ago.

After Dracula's death, Isaac made it his purpose to travel across Earth to kill the remaining betrayers, Isaac is an ardent misanthrope, hating humanity nearly as much as Dracula.

He is something of a tragic character, in spite of his amoral actions and his vengeful, obsessive attitude toward Hector.

Because Isaac's sister Julia's last name is "Laforeze", it is easy to assume that Isaac's last name is also Laforeze. His real name is Dracula Vlad Tepes, and is estimated to be over 800-years old by Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (1997). Isaac started to travel with his small army of monsters, eventually reaching the sea in Tunis. Hector enters the new Castlevania, where he fights and defeats his nemesis.

Often humans will attack him when he just wants to pass by, further solidify his hatred of mankind. Hector tries to track down Isaac in Curse of Darkness because Isaac was responsible for the killing of Hector's fiance Rosaly. Isaac is a major antagonist in Netflix's cartoon adaptation of Castlevania, loosely based on the character of the same name from the video games. Isaac by Nosferatu Neko.

Inside the castle, Isaac battles Hector for the final time. Such a relationship between him and Hector is pure speculation however.

Isaac first experienced these cruelties when his first master savagely whipped, and they showed him that humans were unworthy of his loyalty.

A Devil Forgemaster under Lord Dracula's orders. Isaac respected Hector, but hated that he was their lord's favorite. He there met a Loyalty is central to Isaac's persona.

He swore to get his revenge and started to raise an army from a group of bandits who attacked him.

When Rosaly was selling apples, he spread false rumors that she was a witch selling poisonous apples. He used to be good friends with Hector but everything changed, and they become exact opposites of one another. He is fanatically loyal to Just as loyalty is paramount to Isaac, he hates disloyalty more than anything. As with many "best friend" relationships found in Castlevania games, many in the fan community suspect a homosexual relationship between Isaac and Hector.

After Hector joins the team, Isaac is brought back by Isaac and Hector were two of Dracula's greatest generals, as they were the only two humans capable of devil forgery that created innocent devils. When sent by Dracula to defeat a member of the Belmont Clan, Hector betrayed his lord and sought to escape. However, Isaac does note the kind deeds of the humans who help him.

to betray Dracula.

With a few exceptions, he has starred in every title. Isaac respected Hector, but hated that he was their lord's favorite. Isaac largely ignores the cruelty of Cold and ruthless, Isaac kills without empathy. Chibi Isaac by Kazuo Sama. Isaac Fan Art Collection - At Deviant Art Fan Videos Edit Tributes Edit. When sent by Dracula to defeat a member of the Belmont Clan, Hector betrayed his lord and so… He is the misanthropic servant and Devil Forgemaster of Count Dracula, who aids him in his attempted genocide of hu… After Hector defeats Dracula, the vampire's soul leaves Isaac's body and he collapses. Isaac is a major antagonist in the Castlevania animated series, serving as one of Lord Dracula's two human generals in his army (the other being Hector). thumb|500px|right|Isaac is a Man x) … He is one of the two secondary antagonists of season 2 (alongside Carmilla) and one of the two main antagonists of the series from season 3 onward (also alongside Carmilla). Isaac was stranded in the Sahara desert, unable to defend Dracula who was killed by the trio of adventurers. In return, his master should reciprocate with appreciation. His first master, a human priest, proved himself unworthy of loyalty when he sadistically tortured Isaac. Isaac escapes, telling Hector to get even stronger. Hector (ヘクター Hekutā) is the protagonist of Castlevania: Curse of Darkness. Add a photo to this gallery. During his travels, Isaac begins to contemplate his new life and purpose. Isaac from Curse of Darkness Isaac clad in full Devil Forgemaster uniform battling Hector in the Prelude to Revenge preorder manga But during their fight, Dracula was defeated by Trevor Belmont and his castle disappeared.