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2003. Nitrogen removal from eutrophic water by floating-bed-grown water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica Forsk.) 2006.Pandey, A.K. Web.Edie, Harry, and H. Ho.
In How much fertilizer is used for the cultivation strongly depends on the region.
Culture comme Plante d'Interieur ... Graines (5) : Hors Stock .
Comments have to be approved before they are shown here.If you would like to support this site, please consider A popular food crop, here it is being cultivated in drainage ditches in a townA popular food crop, here it is being cultivated in drainage ditches in a townA vigorously growing and spreading plant, it can clog waterways and spread to cover moist land.
222-256 in Chang, K-C. 1970.
"Ipomoea Aquatica as a Vegetable Crop in Hong Kong." Jarq 33, 193-199 (1999)Vuong TA, Nguyen TT, Klank LT, Phung DC, Dalsgaard A. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 5 (2007): 123-46. Aquatic Vegetables. Phytolth evidence for the early presence of domesticated banana (Austin, Daniel F. F. "Water Spinach (Ipomoea Aquatica, Convolvulaceae) a Food Gone Wild." Chinese Water Spinach, Swamp Cabbage, Swamp Morning Glory Ipomoea aquatica is naturalized in Texas and other States is considered an invasive noxious plant and is prohibited in Texas. "Ipomoea Aquatica as a Vegetable Crop in Hong Kong." The origin of cultivated plants in Southeast Asia.
"Helminths and Helminthiosis of Pigs in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam with Special Reference to Ascariosis and Fasciolopsis buski Infection." Maximum 30°C.
Aquatic Vegetables.
For the town in Malaysia, see Li, H.-L. 1970. Aquatic Vegetables. TEMPSA 200pcs graines de legumes de jardins de Ipomoea aquatica Emballage inclus : 1 X sac de 200pcs Water Spinach seeds Caractéristiques: L'eau des épinards ou Pak-Boong est également connue en Thaïlande en tant que Morning Glory (Indonésie, Malaisie et Singapour, appelé Kangkung).
Filatenko, A.A., K. Pistrick, H. Knüpffer & K. Hammer.
on m'a donné des graines de liseron d'eau (ipomoea aquatica).
"Faecal and protozoan parasite contamination of water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) cultivated in urban wastewater in Phnom Penh, Cambodia." with ion implantation. Web.Li, M., Wu, Y. J., Yu, Z. L., Sheng, G. P., & Yu, H. Q. Udaipur: Agrotech Academy, 2011.
Web.Mbida, C., E. De Langhe, I. Vrydaghs, H. Doutrelepont, R. Swennen, W. Van Neer & P. de Maret. Utilsations Alimentaires . Parties Utilisees. Udaipur: Agrotech Academy, 2011. Web.Pandey, A.K. Economic Botany 23.1 (1969): 32-36. Udaipur: Agrotech Academy, 2011. Autres Langues. Le liseron d'eau (Ipomoea aquatica) appelé aussi épinard d'eau ou kangkong, est une plante herbacée vivace semi-aquatique tropicale originaire d'Asie mais qui s'est installée aujourd'hui en Afrique, Océanie et en Amérique du nord. Culture comme Plante d'Interieur .
Prospectus for Fighting Poverty, Hunger and Malnutrition 752.
Economic Botany 23.1 (1969): 32-36. Elle est considérée comme une peste en Floride, je ne souhaite pas commetre une imbécillité en la propageant dans mes plants d'eau Cordialement C'est une palnte comestible très courante en Asie. Print.Edie, Harry, and H. Ho. It has been declared a noxious weed in some areasIt is widely sold as a vegetable, especially in the east. Feuilles. Udaipur: Agrotech Academy, 2011. Economic Botany 23.1 (1969): 32-36. Aquatic Vegetables. H. D. Publisher MacMillan, Oxford.
(2007). Ipomoea aquatica is a semi-aquatic, tropical plant grown as a vegetable for its tender shoots and leaves.It is found throughout the tropical and subtropical regions of the world, although it is not known where it originated. Vos commentaires concernant Ipomoea indica sont les bienvenus! )-genotypes for protected cultivation in temperate regions." I International Conference on Indigenous Vegetables and Legumes.
Title Vegetables in the Tropics Publication Author Tindall. Most research is from the '80s and '90s. )-genotypes for protected cultivation in temperate regions." Most are noxious weeds. Sinskaya’s inventory of plant taxa in the basic and dependent areas of the historical development of the flora of cultivated plants. Aquatic Vegetables. Graines potagères - KANGKONG IPOMEA AQUATICA 75 g pour 1 000 plants - 1 000 à 2 000 plants par are - germination à 20°C Saison : Toutes les saisons Printemps Été Automne Hiver It readily roots from cuttings.Water spinach is cultivated in a variety of systems. 2006.
Austin, Daniel F. F. "Water Spinach (Ipomoea Aquatica, Convolvulaceae) a Food Gone Wild." Print.Pandey, A.K.
Pp. A short-lived perennial form grows in very wet soils and water (it has been named Ipomoea aquatica aquatica by some authorities). Ipomoea aquatica has spines like found in Asteraceae but remarkedly bigger in size.
I International Conference on Indigenous Vegetables and Legumes. Pandey, A.K.
This plant is known in English as water spinach, river spinach, water morning glory, water convolvulus, or by the more ambiguous names Chinese spinach, Chinese …
Le liseron d'eau est une plante légumière tropicale de la famille des Convolvulacées. Beginnings of agriculture in the Far East. "Wild vegetables used by the Sambaa in the Usambara Mountains, NE Tanzania." Year 1983
If you have any useful information about this plant, please leave a comment. Positive: On Dec 10, 2004, rickexner from Ames, IA wrote: There are several subtypes under Ipomoea aquatica.
"Selection of water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica Forssk.
Udaipur: Agrotech Academy, 2011. Aquatic Vegetables. This form can produce yields ofup to 90 tonnes per hectare in Thailand[300.