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Players can also make lucky draws by using UC or Silver Fragments.The all-new Team Gun Game offers 4v4 gameplay with Arena mode starting weapons. They rarely stop to return fire.For the most part, though, just hug walls and fire from the hip. Under the right circumstances, you’ll be able to pick off nearly the entire team before they clock what’s happening.From one end of the bridge to the other is the universal answer to this one. Rather than complex map analysis and a deep explainer of what the game mode is, the relative simplicity of … There’s ample cover for ducking and weaving, and even boxes set up to allow more daring players to emerge atop tall bookcases.As you’re likely to cycle through entire weapon categories before moving onto the next, it’s important to understand each group’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as working out where each can shine on the map.These are great for picking off targets just about anywhere; in the main hallway, across the bridge, and even from the main hall up onto the bridge (and vice versa).These are some of the trickier weapon types to secure kills with on this map.
You can try to pick targets off along the bridge by aiming down the sights and gunning for a headshot, but the heavy recoil of these rapid weapons will get in the wayOnce you reach the pan, it’s melee or bust. From PLAYERUNKNOWN'S … This is also available to unlock, alongside additional Warrior of Ra, Warrior of Nut, Underworld Guide, and Mummy costumes.
PUBG News: A new weapon the Mosin Nagant, the Vikendi (Season 7) map overhaul and Survivor Pass: Cold Front is on live servers. If there’s a skirmish going along the bridge, you can slide in through the crossfire and blow away those trying to take cover.Handguns are a tad tricky. It’s worth noting that the pan actually acts as a shield against bullets. Copyright 2020 Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited If you can keep up with movement, picking people off as they run up the stairs to the bridge is a good option, too. Since the maps are so small that it is better that you walk the distance while hiding in houses than using a car. During the migration process, uploads and re-uploads will be disabled.
Rather than being another simple TDM map or a second Domination level, PUBG Mobile’s new Arena offering is Gun Game — a popular test of skill seen in games like Counter-Strike and Call of Duty. You never really know which you’re going to go up against. With softer weapons, one good option is to sneak into the upper chutes. Instead, wait for a bridge brawl to break out and start aiming for those coming around the far corner.
Thanks for your patience. The goal is to be the first team to have a player reach 18 kills, but how you go about getting them is a little different from a traditional deathmatch.In Gun Game, you have to get one kill with 18 different weapons. On either far side of the main room are corridors leading up onto the central bridge, with secret chutes on either side of the high points leading back into the center of the main room.It’s a large, spacious map with plenty of intersections where almost nowhere is safe from a flank or rear counterattack.
Price Not Available That’s where SMGs tend to shine. Rather than complex map analysis and a deep explainer of what the game mode is, the relative simplicity of Gun Game means there isn’t too much to dive into. Price Not Available BGR is a leading online destination for news and commentary focused on the mobile and general consumer electronics markets. If you see one of your allies taking on two others — no matter where they are — rush over there and get swinging. The new Team Gun Game is also available on the all-new Library map. If you can aim up, do so.PUBG Mobile Gun Game Guide: Tips for the New Library Map This massive two-story structure begins each game at ground-level, but then begins to float and follow the play circle. Sneaking out on the advent of Erangel 2.0’s beta release came the new Library arena map. This massive book repository consists of a large main hall split by a fountain, bookcases along the edges, and a bridge complete with windy dual staircases on either side. You won’t see them for long — you’ll get through them fast — but they’ll give you the confidence boost needed to pull yourself out of the rut of getting stuck with another weapon.Similar to the shotgun, SMGs work wonders when hiding behind corners leading out into corridors. A small one, but a shield nonetheless. There are six levels of outfit upgrads now with access to additional benefits, including:– Spawn Island and kill announcement special effectsEach outfit set includes a unique and exclusive Treasure Create that players can unlock for additional rewards, including Pharaoh Coins to exchange for other outfits, materials to upgrade Golden Pharaoh X-Suit and more. Players who activate the new mode can observe and explore an ominous “Ancient Secret” building rising on Miramar and Erangel. You can either pick off foes as the climb the steps or as the sprint across the bridge.
If you land a high caliber weapon like a Desert Eagle or Revolver, you can try for some long-distance shots from the high corners down to the rear hallway areas. The new Ancient Secret themed gameplay mode is now available. Likewise, the bookcases leading onto the bridge are good hiding spots. Maps. It is America’s number one source of exclusive and breaking mobile news, and a technology category leader among early adopters, savvy technophiles and casual readers alike. It increases the firearm’s effective range and minimizes damage reduction due to distance– Arena Firearm Damage Reduction Adjustment – Firearm damage is now based upon operational distance per weapon class, which are ordered as Shotgun, Sub-machine Gun, Rifle, Sniper Rifle from near to far, respectively. With these, it’s good to hide around corners — preferably toward the top of the rear ramps. The angle of the bridge means you can rarely see more than a person’s head, so once you have the X position down, it’s just a matter of scanning left and right for a target.If the bridge is clear, quickly figure out which side of the hallway the enemy team is spawning. On August 18th, 2020, Gamepedia's back-end media host will be migrating.