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!the song commemorates the failed (?) This song is so beautiful.My pleasure! That song was stunningly beautiful without even knowing what she was saying. Piaf is clearly a one-of-kind performer…you actually feel her words. Non, je ne regrette rien. It’s true that Edith Piaf’s voice really makes this song shine. Suivez toujours votre intuition. If I could make jewelry for her , it would be baroque pearls.I will have to read and learn more about Ms Edith. I’d like to do more – hopefully I’ll have time this summer!Hi Darby! I had learned French using duolingo, but I couldn’t keep it up owing to a lack of knowledge on French literature, songs, etc. I remembered this beautiful song. See if you could selflessly help others and perhaps the search of a specific personal kind of love might not seem so desperate. I’m 81 years old, divorced 3 times, but still looking for love. It indicates that the copyright holder reserves, or holds for their own use, all the rights provided by copyright law, such as distribution, performance, and creation of derivative works that is, they have not waived any such right. It’s so moving. Edith Piaf was a French pop-music sensation of the 1940s and 1950s. Lorsque Telenet YUGO leur a demandé de réinventer la chanson « Non, je ne regrette rien » d’Édith Piaf ensemble, les deux artistes n’ont pas hésité une seule seconde. Best of luck in your performance!who cares about the politics? fascist insurrection of a mutinous legion trying to preserve the empire in algeriaNo it doesn’t. Or keep scrolling to enjoy the translation below.payé (payer): paid, from the verb payer, meaning to payAvec mes souvenirs, j’ai allumé le feu: I set fire to my memoriesJe repars à zero: Literally “I return to zero,” which means “I’m starting over again.”Here is Edith Piaf performing this beautiful song live.Do you have any questions? This song was also featured heavily in the movie “Inception.” If you’d like to learn more about Edith Piaf, you can check out my very detailed translation of her most popular, enduring classic song “La Vie en Rose.” Lady Gaga sings it in the new version of “A Star is Born” that just came out. Wow very good translation! I think you may be failing to realize that there wasn't some sort of language convention 3000 years ago, where they made sure that each word had a translation, in every's also important to understand that ever language has its own little nuances and idiosyncratic qualities that those who don't speak it just can't understand.Je me fous du passé - i don't give a damn about the past.not I'm happy about the past? Correction to my post…it should read TRULY, NOT TURKEY! Initially I thought it was part of an aria, so I went through my collection of Opera CDs, but no luck, obviously.Last night I saw the commercial again, made note of the name of the company and googled it. We had instinctively said ‘ Non, je ne regrette rien’ To each other whilst mapping out the reasons for our Camino that is to start on Deborahs 60th birthday Easter Monday 13 April 2020 York to Santiago de Compostela.
Edith Piaf’s songs in particular have such an enduring quality. Best of luck in your studies! Thanks again to you and Edith!It’s my pleasure Annette, thank you for leaving a comment! Her fame became international: She appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show several times. After reading her story, I came to better understand that special element in her voice that causes our eyes to tear up as we listen, even without translation.Hi Ken – I’m not exactly sure when this was but it was one of her last performances before she died, and she died in October 1963. Non ! Thanks!Yes you should start learning French for sure! This is the free "Non, je ne regrette rien" sheet music first page.