.500 Jeffery, .357 SIG, .22 Long, .380 Auto (9mm Browning Short), 6.8mm Remington SPC, .454 Casull, .17 Hornady Magnum Rimfire (HMR), .45 GAP (Glock Automatic Pistol), .243 Winchester Super Short Magnum (WSSM), .25 Auto (ACP), .223 Remington (5.56x45mm NATO), .44 Smith & Wesson Special, .500 Smith & Wesson Special Magnum, .300 Winchester Magnum, .22 Long Rifle High Velocity and Hyper Velocity, The PowerRank is an estimation of the cartridge power. Thank you for the research though.Good luck with that. Cette décélération est liée à la forme, à la masse et à la surface frontale de la balle. (code X22LRSUBA)Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.Copyright © 2000-2020 24hourcampfire.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved. At what distances are you shooting? The same C D values apply to other .22 rimfire … The .22 LR is often used to hunt or kill small game and varmint like; rabbit, squirrel, crow, and the illusive soda can. IIRC, the original official distances are in meters, with yards as an option.Pull one of the bullets, measure it, apply JBM ballistics calculators; The whole issue may be pretty petty and I should just pick one and go with it. In my likely futile hope of beating 7x57Steve at rimfire silhouette this year I'm going to have a CDS dial put on a spare Leupold VX-III I have and thus be able to more easily dial in the drop for the various targets. barrel, 1 turn in 16-inch twist)   AGUILA, 38-gr. (.22 LONG RIFLE, Standard Vel. It's not hard to find a .22 rifle for $100 and you can usually pick up a hundred rounds of this at Wally World for around $6 if you get the cheap stuff.The .22 Long Rifle was created back in 1800s by J. Stevens Arm & Tool Company and is a rimfire cartridge meaning it has no central replaceable primer, but rather a entire rim that can be struck by the firing pin at any point.

NOTE THAT the BC values listed below APPLY to the following types of .22 rimfire bullets: I have tried on google and its driving me mad as I cannot find the ballistic coefficient for .22lr Winchester 40gr subsonics 1065fps would appreciate is anyone has the info or can direct me to it online cheers fellas belly Quote; Share this post. In my likely futile hope of beating 7x57Steve at rimfire silhouette this year I'm going to have a CDS dial put on a spare Leupold VX-III I have and thus be able to more easily dial in the drop for the various targets. Coefficient balistique: 0.366 Longueur du canon: 600 mm Application: .300 WSM Balle: EVO 11.9 g / 184 gr Distance: 0m 50m 100m 150m 200m 250m 300m V[m/s]: 930 886 843 802 762 722 685 E[J]: 5146 4671 4228 3827 3455 3102 2792 DRO* (192m): 1.0 4.0 3.4 -0.9 -9.5 -22.8 The first number is the value of this cartridge, and the last number is the value of the most powerful round in our The ballistic coefficient (BC) describes the bullet related influences on the deceleration of the bullet caused by air resistance and thus is a measure for the capability of the bullet to overcome air resistance. COEFFICIENT SECTION DENSITY FORM FACTOR MUZZLE VELOCITY 30 YARD VELOCITY; Avanti: Diabolo Match: 8.44: N/a: 0.012: 0.038: 3.21: 962 FPS : 697 FPS: Beeman: Hollow Point Coated Pellets, Model 1222: 7.2: N/a: 0.012: 0.033: 2.74: 950 FPS: 690 FPS: Beeman: Pointed Pellets, Model 1225: 8.3: N/a: 0.012: 0.038: 3.15: 896 FPS: 648 FPS: Benjamin: Hollow Point: 7.9: N/a: 0.014: 0.036: 2.57: 1051 FPS: 798

*Casing image above is an artist rendering and not a real photo of .22 LR Ballistics cartridge. I never paid much attention to BC's of .22 rimfires.Pugs .... Chrono it at the muzzle and then at 25, 50, 75 & 100 yards. Flat meplats carry baggage (drag)like that and HP designs are considered FP for BC calculation, although the meplat diameter is significant in figuring it.Pugs, what you might consider is what ammo shoots best for you at 100 yards. This deceleration of the bullet is dependent on shape, mass and cross sectional area of the bullet. For over 70 years Sierra Bullets has been dedicated to the manufacture of the most accurate bullets in the world. La balistique est "l'étude du tir". Pugs, what you might consider is what ammo shoots best for you at 100 yards. While we have went to great lengths to make sure that it's as accurate as possible this rendering should not be used to generate specs for casings. Both had 40 grain, lead round nose (LRN) bullets. Passionate shotgun shooters click on the link in the lower left corner. As a rule the faster the muzzle velocity the shorter the bullets time in flight and there for … The .22 LR is what many of us learned to shoot with because of it's lack of recoil, relatively low noise level, price, and availability of both the round and rifle. In case of the ballistic data for RWS rifle cartridges it is not a matter of absolute values, but average values from many measurements with weapons of different brands. & Match Ammo--24-in.