Horses travelling with transport companies must travel with the necessary documents.When a horse is sold in a claiming race, its new owner (buyer) must organise transport to its new training facilities.

The allowance will only be paid on receipt of nominal proof, which must be submitted to the office of the organising company within five days of the race.For horses trained and racing in Corsica, owners of the first five horses to finish will not receive any travel allowance.From 1 January 2014, the annual travel limit per horse was fixed at 3000 Euros. Seuls le centre d'entraînement et l'habitation du propriétaire sont épargnés. This journey will be at the owner’s cost, regardless of the mode of transport used.Once a horse claimed, its return journey becomes the responsibility of the new owner (buyer).For horses that run during an extended meeting, the owner receives an allowance corresponding to the distance from its point of departure (before the race) and its post-race destination. This case applies particularly to breeder-owners.“ISF”: Wealth tax is applicable on the value of horses of non-professional owners.Owner Associations are available to supply new owners with any additional information regarding their taxation.N° 91 of 21 May 2002 5G-6-02 (racehorse ownership tax system).France Galop is an association governed by the law of 1901, the bylaws of which define the quality of the members.All holders of an account assigned by France Galop may consult the balance and movements of his/her account by Internet or In order benefit from this service, which necessitates the attribution of a personal password, it is sufficient to send your request to :Your request must mention your France Galop account number, your last name and first name and the proposed password. The arbitration committee will be able to waive its principles for stallions that show special promise. For each horse that is owned by several people there has to be an “Association” contract approved by the France Galop stewards. The latter may be composed of a maximum of 8 characters, and must not include spaces, apostrophes, or diverse signs symbols such as: # @ $ £ etc.Upon receiving your password, it is sufficient to connect to the site and then enter the section “My account” / “Professional services”.For any request regarding your password for “Professional services” /” Restricted Access” or in case of loss of your password you can request your password by calling : 01 49 10 20 71 or by Email: For more information about your account, you can consult the operating manuel and management rules, For the races on the racecourse of France Galop, you can order from:Nota Bene : regarding the regional racecourses, contact directly the racecourse.Requests must be made to the “Service des Livrets” or  Tel +33 1 49 10 10 42, Fax : +33 149 10 20 42, Email to : GB-IRE : 100.30 £ – GER : 160,50 € – USA : 125 US $A name may not exceed 18 characters, signs or spaces and may not include initials or signs.Names already attributed can only be given again 25 years following the death of that horse.Naming requests must be submitted to the “Service des Livrets” in the care of Mrs. Stéphanie Meunier – Email:Requests for duplicates of  identification passports must be submitted to the “Service des Livrets”, in the care of  Mrs. Isabelle Tora.

How the prize-money is distributed amongst the first five placed horses and sometimes amongst the sixth and seventh placed horses is indicated below in brackets.

They will be taken in by families, riding schools or placed with a mounted police force under the  rotection and supervision of the “French League for the Protection of Horses” (LFPC) with whom France Galop has signed an agreement.France Galop has compiled this directory of French Racing ClubsInformation within this directory has been supplied by the racing clubs concerned. Any failure to provide this information will result in no travel allowance being paid.Should any travel declaration be made that results in an overpayment, the owner or his representative will be subject to sanctions as stated in the Racing Code.Thanks to your voluntary contribution to France Galop from your race earnings, the Conversion Fund” allows retired racehorses to enjoy an appropriate second life. They originated from the first partnership of co-owners created in 1994 as a limited company.The Club is comprised of owners and has a board of directors and a chairmanThe Ecurie Club des Etoiles offers many attractions, such as visits to the training centres at Chantilly, Maisons-Laffitte and Deauville, and visits to major studs.The Ecurie DAM’S is a fun club that has co-opted ladies who enjoy the French lifestyle emanating from the racing scene in France, irrespective of whether they are professionals or new to the game.DAM’S is an original and trendy way to meet other women in racing, and to create a female network within a friendly and enjoyable atmosphere.To become a member, you must be over 18 years old and must purchase at least one share in the club.