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Deoxys survives even a +2 Extreme Speed, and Counter will OHKO Arceus.
commented Sep 26, 2012 by the_netts. I saw so many rules banning him, but I have no idea what he is.A Normal Arceus with Swords Dance and STAB ExtremeSpeed.7 Upvotes for a question with a Self-Explanatory answer. What's extreme killer Arceus?
Deadly coverage, bulk, access to Recover, good speed.SE is here to ohko Ho-Oh which tenis to be pain int the butt of most fairies. Swords Dance boosts Mega Blaziken's Attack by 2 stages, letting it OHKO multiple bulky threats such as Necrozma-DM, support Arceus formes, and Primal Kyogre, as well as many offensive threats such as Extreme Killer Arceus, Xerneas, and Yveltal. Extreme Killer Arceus (Normal Type Arceus running Leftovers or Life Orb and Extreme Speed+ Swords Dance) is already a common and formidable threat in Ubers. If you have 2 codes and want to get completely legit Arceus I would got for one Extreme Killer Arceus (Aiming for Jolly Nature ideally) with the set up looking something like this.
Celesteela and Ferrothorn are able to check Xerneas and Extreme Killer Arceus; Celesteela also checks Mega Salamence, and Ferrothorn is able to deal with Primal Kyogre as well as set up entry hazards. Superpower is another option over Counter, as if Arceus tries to attack Deoxys with another move or just sets up on the predicted Counter, Deoxys will fail to check Arceus. nobody likes smogon yet is a good diea to try and desing your own sets, i love this one: Extreme Killer: Swords Dance.
By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. arceus; competitive; asked Sep 26, 2012 by Absol edited Apr 2, 2019 by sumwun. While this hinders Genesect's ability to check Extreme Killer Arceus, it makes Genesect faster than maximum Speed base 90 Pokemon and neutral-natured base 99 Speed Pokemon … Can Arceus be Fairy-type in X/Y? Trying to figure out the best type and moveset for this beast before keeping anything.If you have 2 codes and want to get completely legit Arceus I would got for one Extreme Killer Arceus (Aiming for Jolly Nature ideally) with the set up looking something like this.And then for one at the other end of the Arceus spectrum I would say Arceus-Water with a support line up, here you would be aiming for a bold nature.I'd say Adamant > Jolly on the ES Arceus, you're going to be using that most of the time, and it's pretty likely you'll outspeed most Ghost types, apart from maybe Gengar.Looking at Smogon I see Jolly and Timid as being the 2 most common.Theres a few others but it depends on what you need. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. ; Flare Blitz allows Mega Blaziken to hit Steel-types like Necrozma-DM and Celesteela while also hitting Ghost-types like Mega Gengar and Marshadow. It also outspeeds and does decent damage. If you don’t see it you can always replace it with Stealth Rock/Toxic/whatever you’ll find fitting.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast/r/Stunfisk is your reddit source for news, articles, analyses, and competitive battling discussion for Pokémon VGC and Smogon.
You cannot physically get an Arceus with different type of EV spreads in the real game without hacking. So, I can basically get three Arceuses (due to having codes for X, Y, and Alpha Sapphire). Extreme … real? I mean, it has a safe entry in an extreme speed use and a good chunk of normal moves yes.
Originaires soit de Smogon soit de nos rédacteurs, ces sets s'adressent aux stratèges expérimentés. Arceus: In my opinion, this is highly unlikely. and call it the day.Well, as much as I agree he didnt know what Extremekiller was and it's not his fault that it has 7 upvotes.Keyword: Self-Explanatory.