... Arsenal FC-:-Boca Juniors.
Federico Acosta
Emanuel Reynoso
Balanço de transferências .
Carlos Tévez For using this site, please activate JavaScript. Attacking Midfield Centre-Forward
Im Jugendklub
League level: Right Midfield Goalkeeper
Right Winger Centre-Back After receiving the request we will send the iframe as an e-mail reply. Defensive Midfield Auf dieser Seite werden alle jemals getätigten Transfers (inklusive Leihspieler) des Vereins Boca Juniors mit Ablösesummen angezeigt. Club Atlético Boca Juniors. Pol Fernández Franco Soldano Centre-Back
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Right Winger Lisandro López 3. Centre-Back Left Winger Alles zum Verein Boca Juniors (Superliga) aktueller Kader mit Marktwerten Transfers Gerüchte Spieler-Statistiken Spielplan News Left-Back Emanuel Reynoso
League level: 26,9 The squad overview can be embedded on the own homepage via iframe.
Weitere Informationen zum Thema finden Sie Con iFrame è possibile inserire la panoramica-Transfermarkt della rosa di una società nel proprio sito web. 3. Eduardo Salvio Cristian Pavón, 24, from Argentina Los Angeles Galaxy, since 2019 Right Winger Market value: €10.00m * Jan 21, 1996 in Anisacate, Córdoba, Argentina Red Bull Bragantino hat das venezolanische Sturmtalent Jan Hurtado vom Club Atlético Boca Juniors verpflichtet. Stiven Gonzalez Garcia Nathan Santos 4.
D. Tudela Barreira. Calendario completo. Linksaußen ... Arsenal FC-:-Boca Juniors. 26.9 Jogadores no plantel: 31 ... Para obter todos os detalhes basta clicar em "enviar pedido" ou enviar email para marcel.de.almeida@transfermarkt.de. Altri informazioni sul tema è ... Arsenal FC-:-Boca Juniors. Roberto Rojas reports Gonzalo Maroni Centre-Back Centre-Back Right Winger Um die Seite nutzen zu können, schalten Sie bitte Ihr Javascript ein.
John Machin Rechtsaußen Please add the homepage on which the squad is supposed to be embedded. Please click the button "Send inquiry" which opens a new e-mail message. Goalkeeper: Daniel Tudela Barreira: Mar 9, 1999 (21) -Jack Atkinson. Mit dem iFrame lässt sich diese Kaderübersicht auf der eigenen Homepage einbinden. 6. Ramón Ábila Mittelstürmer Franco Soldano After receiving the request we will send the iframe as an e-mail reply.
Offensives Mittelfeld
Hängende Spitze Mittelstürmer Calendário completo. 27. Detailed. The squad overview can be embedded on the own homepage via iframe. Club Atlético Boca Juniors - Profil du club | Transfermarkt Nach Erhalt der Anfrage versenden wir den iFrame als Antwort ebenfalls per E-Mail. Entrate/Spese Acquisti/Cessioni Costo; Entrate: 20: 36,38 mln € Spese: 25: 18,50 mln € Bilancio complessivo +17,88 mln € Tutti trasferimenti. Sebastián Villa Minnesota United's long pursuit of Boca Juniors midfielder Emanuel Reynoso has paid off, with sources telling ESPN that the Argentine club has agreed to transfer the player to the Loons.