I write whith caps look because i want give emphasis
The SCAR-L also has moderate recoil, but decent suppression. ARESxECHO1 New Member. both suck 2007-11-24 18:07:19 #4; Klinka-Klinko NIKE Swoosh +101| 4803 | cs_connecticut‬‭ The Scar L … Scar H wins.Scar H. Higher DPS and potential killrate is much better.SCAR-H ftw.

However, this gun has much higher recoil than the SCAR-L, and like mentioned before, only 20 rounds per mag.It is a close call between these two guns. SCAR-H vs. SCAR-L. OnlyUseMeViper.

It really depends upon the player: less experienced players like the SCAR-L, while more experienced players like the SCAR-H. The SCAR-H has heavy damage of 39-28, and a long range of 120-180, meaning it can 3-shot up to 147 studs. Enlisted: 2012-02-26. i love the scar-h, if you want to use it in a fun deadly way, use pka-3.4 sight with grip and laser.

The recoil is quite manageable too. In real steel terms, the scar h fires a 7.62 … SCAR-H IS MORE POWERFULL THAN SCAR-L BECAUSE IT HAS 7,62 BUT SCAR-L HAS 5,56 BUT IT ISN'T UNSTABLE The damage also complements my traits as a rusher, which iIfeel makes the problem of a small mag size null.You are being intellectually dishonest by saying that 625 rpm is average for an AR - in fact, it is the second-slowest, coming in front of two AKs and the AN only, all with the same rate of 600. Game Battlefield 3; 2011; Loading... Autoplay When autoplay is enabled, a suggested video will automatically play next.


You don't even need suppressors on it.

And people here say the AK-12 is the worst assault rifle in the game...SCAR-H is definitely superior, it has a 3 shot kill and same ROF. Above me is another signature deathrayd.

scar-h and scar-l are both beast but i like scar-h a little bit more.

I don't know if i want the scar l or scar h. For those of you who don't know what the difference is, scar l, stands for scar light.

Both of these guns are similar, but one is a battle rifle version and the other an assault rifle.

Enlisted: 2011-11-24.

Both of these guns are similar, but one is a battle rifle version and the other an assault rifle.

2014-06-29 00:36 Which is better Discuss I play server fail lost packet dunno why last place i was at? The recoil on the SCAR-H is very low like the SCAR-L but it does massive damage, giving very good TTK. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. This is the signature that the above states. I USE SCAR-H BECAUSE IS MY FAV WEAPON BUT WHEN I TAKE SCAR-L IN GUNMASTER I KILL 2 GUYS JUST FOR LAUGH

The family of rifles consist of two main types, one (the SCAR-L, for light) chambered for the 5.56 mm NATO cartridge and the other (the SCAR-H, for heavy) for the 7.62 mm NATO cartridge. … In Phantom Forces, two teams (Phantoms and Ghosts), fight against one another to prove their dominance in an ever-growing selection of weapons, maps, and gamemodes. I love the Scar-L and the Scar-H both are awesomely insanely BEAST! In this video I compare the Scar-L and the Scar-H and find out which is the superior weapon. Also tell me which one you prefer! SCAR-L vs SCAR-H. 1 2 Montedade13.

The SCAR-L on the other hand shoots a 5.56x45mm round. They are both considered to be "tryhard" weapons, and both are very good weapons.The SCAR-L is unlocked at rank 16, making it one of the most popular guns used by low levels. Scar-H vs. Scar-L; 2007-11-24 17:32:29 #1; Trotskygrad бля +354| 4582 | Vortex Ring State. scar-h and scar-l are both beast but i like scar-h a little bit more.

Guns vs. I love both but I don't use the SCAR-H as my main weapon in Engineer.

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Scar l the 10 extra bullets and low recoil and amazing beige just makes me love itWho cares about ttk when you're popping party snappers everywhere?Let me put it this way: There is a reason the US military chose the SCAR-H over L.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castPhantom Forces is an FPS by Roblox game development group StyLiS Studios, comprised of Litozinnamon, shaylan007, AxisAngle, Semaphorism, IArekan, HypocriticalDragon, and Raspy_Pi. The average rate of fire of assault rifles, SCAR-H is superior in almost every way, you just need to learn to aim well and the H rewards you much more than the L.I love both weapons,when I'm looking to stump a semi good player the scar h has got the stopping power for it. Overall, a good, all-around weapon for long range and close quarters.The SCAR-H is unlocked at a medium rank of 30. As a rusher, this gone is a beauty in my arms. 2007-11-24 17:34:48 #2; MetaL* Banned +188| 4740 | Anaheim, Mexifornia. Scar-H 2007-11-24 18:04:29 #3; Longbow Member +163| 5229 | Odessa, Ukraine. In game the damage difference is either none or very little. SCAR-L (top) and SCAR-H (bottom), in their standard length variants.

It also has a 625 rpm, again somewhat average for assault rifles.

It's damage is 33-21, somewhat average for an assault rifle, with 60->120 range.