Automatically download song lists and cover art, by barcode, CD ID or by searching our online music database by Artist and Title. Some records have sold so poorly in the stores that the promotional copies are actually more common than the stock counterparts. There are price guides for rock albums, jazz albums, classical albums, 45 RPM singles, country records, and soundtrack and original cast recordings. While many American Beatles records are worth a lot of money, so are those from Great Britain, as the band released records there prior to releasing them in the U.S.Prices for foreign (non-U.S.) records can vary widely, depending on age, condition, and all of the other factors mentioned in this article. Free trial available. While the age can have an effect on a vinyl record’s value, it’s one of the less important factors. Great sounding record!! Artists in the rock, blues, jazz, classical and soul categories tend to be more collectible than those in the easy listening, country, spoken word or comedy categories.Some artists tend to have a longtime following, while others are popular only while they are actively recording.

Furthermore, owners often wrote their names or other information on the record’s cover or label.Collectors are interested in buying records in the best possible condition, and ideally, they’d like to own copies of all of their records in the same condition in which they were originally sold – mint and unplayed, with pristine covers.Finding a copy of any record that is more than 20 years old in such condition is quite difficult, and the value of a record can vary widely depending on its condition. The red Capitol label mentioned above was commonly used in the early 1970s for a number of titles, but was never intended to be used for records by the Beatles. Furthermore, even the outdated price guides can offer insight as to how a vinyl record’s value has increased over time. While acetates can be played as one would play any regular record, they don’t wear particularly well and will become quite noisy after only a few plays.On rare occasions, acetates have been sent to radio stations as promotional items when regular pressings were not yet available.As acetates are cut one at a time, they are understandably rare, and command a high value in the market place as they are both rare and unusual.Test pressings are a bit more common than acetates, and are made to test stampers prior to mass produced production runs.

You are visiting the biggest Pearl Jam collectors' community on the web. While tens of thousands of artists have released records since the invention of the medium, not all of them interest the public in equal measure.Some artists are simply more popular as well as more collectible than others.

Consultez des crédits, des avis, des pistes et achetez la référence 1975 Vinyl de Time Honoured Ghosts sur Discogs. Because of this, collectors will often pay a huge premium for sealed, unopened examples of records they are seeking.In general, a copy of an album that is still in original, unopened shrink wrap will sell for a lot more money than one that is in opened condition, even if the opened copy has not been played.The difference in price can range from modest to quite significant, depending on the artist and title.

A given album or single might have been released with several different labels on the disc itself, even among releases by the same record company.Record companies often change the appearance of the labels used on their records. Shop 1950s Rock and Roll, AC/DC, Alan Parsons Project and more Collectors' Vinyl at Selling The Collectors Collection: Authentic one-of a kind Authentic, One-of-a Ki A few copies of the band’s Sometimes, minor differences on labels can make a difference, as well. This makes it easy to see if a particular record is increasing in value over time or going down as interest sometimes wanes.While there are a number of different sites that track and archive record sales on eBay, the two we use most often are:Popsike’s home page has a few lists of popular searches, as well as lists of recent sales in certain popular categories, such as blues, Beatles, classic rock, jazz, and classical.

A good example of this is the Beatles’ first single, “My Bonnie,” which was credited to Tony Sheridan and the Beat Brothers. Anime, J-Pop, Jazz, Classical Music, HM/HR, Punk, Hiphop, House, Techno and moe!

There is a limited vinyl 12" that came out for record day with 3 or 4 versions of "Get it on", Accoustic, Electric and a boogie version! The recordings are cut on metal plates that are coated with soft lacquer. With the former, such as Elvis Presley, Pink Floyd, blues singer Robert Johnson, or the Beatles, many of their records remain both valuable and highly collectible long after they stopped recording or even after their deaths.Other artists may have had records with high values only during the time they were recording, with prices in the collector market dropping considerably after they finished their careers or when they passed away.In the late 1970s, for example, Todd Rundgren and the Cars were highly collectible, but these days, there’s little interest in their recordings.