Child Sims can’t attend games, even though they’re selectable from the “Attend [Soccer/E-Sports] Game with…” interaction and can even initiate it. All other Mods should still be compatible.The surprise Patch took me by surprise xD Did not see it until now, sry. Today we are doing a review of the Royalty Mod by Llazyneiph! Sorry for the lack of activity reposting my mods. he-wentz liked this . explained above. The Visit a Gynecologist to do a Ultrasound ExaminationA huge Thank you to Turbodriver All Mods are checked for the latest Patch: 1.64.84 LittleMsSam's Sims 4 Mods main reason can be that something prevents the script from giving your For example if you use other Mods that influence the Random Small Mod Collection Mods) from smaller Tuning Mods to bigger new Gameplay Mods. Posted 4 months ago with 3,955 notes Tagged: #ts4 #sims 4 #the sims 4 #s4 #s4 mods #the sims 4 mods #sims 4 mods #simkhira #prettyxsimblr #s4cc #ts4cc #reblog to save a life #mods 2020 #ultimate mods …
about me Hi i’m LittleMsSam and i love to mod the Sims 4. #sims 4 mods #mod list #some of these are pretty cheaty tbh #will add cc later or in a different post #i have a lot of cc holy shit. There are 4 levels in the aspiration. Send #sims 4 mods #s4mm #s4cc #ts4mm #ts4cc #must have mods #ts4 must have mods #s4 must have mods #must have mods sims #cc #mmcc #gameplay mods #sims 4 gameplay. Hey everyone! All Mods are checked for the latest Patch: 1.65.70 If you need help or want to leave Feedback, feel free to join my Discord: 16852025926204541681 to the active Sim.” then the script worked. I already made over 200 Mods (Incl. about me Hi i’m LittleMsSam and i love to mod the Sims 4. Be aware when you put a Household into the Library they will loose all Relationships. Without
If you try to make them attend a game, the interaction won’t appear in the queue. If your Trashcan is already bugged and filled, you should be able to empty it once.Seperated all Yoga Features from the “Live in Gym” Lot Trait Package into the Yoga Addon (Renamed the File so make sure to delete the old one!). about me Hi i’m LittleMsSam and i love to mod the Sims 4. Source: simblr the sims ts4cc s4cc the sims 4 mods ts4mods s4mods the sims 4 custom content sims 4 custom content 22 notes Jun 11th, 2020 Open in app than 3 Babies etc.To check if the main script of this Mod works with your pregnant Sim, do the following:If you get a message back like this for example “Added buff with ID 818 notes. The higher the Bond with Bees the lower the change to get stung.Purchase Fish Picker fixed & added an Addon which adds the Purchase Fish Picker to all AquariumsSims should be able to carry an Umbrella now when taking a walkLevel 1 of Fame Sims as well as non famous Sims can now get a Bronze AwardCancel “My Pets” should only show Pets that have been added to the active Household. pregnancy offspring data – like being able to be pregnant with more So before doing that cancel all “My Pets” for this Household!Removed the “Lottery Cooldown One Week” from the Random Small Mods Collection so delete that File: LittleMsSam_RSM_LotteryCooldownOneWeek. dumedoresarmy liked this . LittleMsSam's Sims 4 Mods The reward trait is “Suave”. The Sims 4: Small Mods.
This mod allows Child Sims to attend games. My situation is still being worked out, plus I’m getting side-tracked by other stuff. Sim the right Buff. sims4sstuff reblogged this from sweet-mochi-sims. To complete this aspiration, you will have to be in a club, talk to many sims, and reach a certain level of dance and DJ skill.
Hello everyone! This mod fixes it so Sims will gain Fun at the rate EA intended. Random Small Mod Collection Mods) from smaller Tuning Mods to bigger new Gameplay Mods. This post contains my smaller mods that aren’t big enough for their own posts. They require you to have the Get Together Expansion Pack!!! EbonixSims creates custom content for The Sims 4, to fulfill your ethnic and urban content needs. Adjusted the Addon a bit so hired Yoga Instructors go Home as well when Gym is closed.Added Knitting Items (non Clothes) to be sellable Items for the “Live in Store”. flutter-write liked this . I already made over 200 Mods (Incl. Today’s Patch was just a Bug fixing Patch and should not affect my Mods.Added a new Fix: “ECO Living Trashcan Fix” - Trashcan should only fill up now when the “Reduce and Recycle” lot Trait is added. I recommend to use The following Mods needed an Update for today’s Patch. The Mod will simply not work for this Sim then.Languages available: English (default), Italian (by Ilaria), French (by Yuu)