Den gør det muligt at tilskære små træatykker, uden langvarig måling. are a family-run business based in South-East London and have been trading in this industry since 1964, so we have plenty of experience and knowledge of our products.

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Priser på eventuelle kampagner hos den enkelte STIHL forhandler er ikke vist her. Gennem disse komponenters samspil ender kædeolien netop der, hvor den gør mest gavn.Denne form for kædespænding gør det enkelt og bekvemt at spænde kæden. Demo-DVD, hylster og batteri medfølger.

3.5 mm flat-blade screwdriver for carburettor adjustment and cleaning grooves, Torx® TX 27 screwdriver, nylon pouch with belt loop.

With low-emission engine technology, and additional ""Comfort"" features like our Chain Quick Tensioning (B) and ErgoStart (E) system, you get lower fuel consumption, fast and … Afvigelser i sortimentet kan forkomme jf. All it takes is 2 fingers and a gentle pull action.After releasing the sprocket cover the chain can be adjusted using a thumb wheel without the need for tools.Special catches on the fuel and oil tanks for easy opening and locking without the need for tools.© Copyright FR Jones & Son Ltd. Unit B4, Trade City, Bell Green Retail Park, Sydenham, SE26 4PR. Join our mailing list to receive occasional emails with news and offers. Til motorsave op til MS 362 med 37 cm sværd. The correct quantity of fuel is delivered to the carburettor depending on the quantity of air passing through the air filter. 1) Without fuel, without bar and chain Praktiske servicekit med tændrør, luft- og brændstoffilter. Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI) This product will be supplied to you fully assembled and ready to use. 2.895,00* Tilføj til huskelisten * Vejl. When used with Stihl Oilomatic saw chain, it will provide maximum lubrication, longer wear and less oil consumption than conventional methods of chain lubrication. Til sikker opbevaring og transport af motorsave og elsave. * Vejl. £17.00 £12.99. £4.17 MS 211 C-BE Modern, kézre álló, kényelmes benzines motorfűrész ErgoStart indítással és gyors láncfeszítéssel Műszaki adatok Lökettérfogat cm³

The Ematic system can reduce bar oil consumption by up to 50%.A genuine advance in easy starting. Stihl ErgoStart (E) cuts the effort required to start the tool by half, while the starter cord can be pulled at just one third of the normal force. 1) K-Faktor iht RL 2006/42/EG = 2,5 dB(A)

£35.42 Company Registration No: 10302177 – VAT No: 261 8011 30.Sugihara 3/8" .050 Lo Pro Lightweight Pro chainsaw bar Stihl mount (14 inch bar)Sugihara 3/8 Lo Pro .050 Pro Laminated chainsaw bar Stihl mount (14 inch bar)Stihl 3/8" .050 Rollomatic E chainsaw bar (14 inch bar)Stihl PM3 Picco Micro 3/8" .050 semi chisel chainsaw chain loop (50 drive links)Stihl chainsaw filing kit in tool roll (1/4" & 3/8" P - 4mm)Stihl combi can professional (with oil spout) (transparent)Stihl HP Super two stroke engine oil (1 litre measured bottle)

moms. £186.75 Please select an option from the drop-down list to add this item to your basketThe first Picco Duro saw chain with carbide cutters, designed to stay sharp for up to four times longer than standard saw chains.

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£65.00 3 x gaz Bouchon de réservoir pour Stihl Ms192t MS200 MS250 câble vidéo MS380 Ms390 Ms440 Ms460 Ms880 - Compatibilité : MS 171, MS 181, MS 192, MS 192t, C, MS 200, ms201, MS 210, MS 211, MS 230, MS 240, MS £19.55 Achat Tronconneuse stihl ms 211 à prix discount Ouvrez les portes du plus beau magasin du Web ! med andre lande. £30.63 The larger, heavier particles are ejected.