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I swear i'll make myself tiny Just have a guitar and a suitcase with me.. No more home Much more worries It was fun for just a second To be a vagabond musician But i could use some security now.. Ca a été un moment très dur pour elle, puisqu'ils n'avaient pas d'autres endroits où aller.
Soko a écrit "No More Home, No More Love" alors qu'elle devait quitter sa maison à Los Angeles, où elle vivait avec son frère.
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Son déménagement a été filmé pour le clip, le 30 avril 2011 à Echo Park, Californie. 2
Time zone:
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Capo on 7.. / "No More Home, No More Love" / Em D G Em D G Em D C G Em D G / Em D G No more home Em D G I downgrade on the couch again Em D G I swear I'll make myself tiny Em D G I just have
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/ I swear I'll make myself tiny / Just have a suitcase and guitar with me. / No more home / Much more …