It slowly emerges that the spirits of the men lost at sea have returned and each night take possession of the bodies of other inhabitants of Dakar. When they receive their pay from the tycoon they force him to dig their graves so that their spirits may rest. (Original title: “Atlantique”) Production: (France-Senegal-Belgium). Et le moins que l'on puisse dire, c'est que le film a eu une résonance toute particulière depuis sa présentation à Cannes. In the daytime, Souleiman’s words are almost drowned out by oppressive traffic noise and the shouts of aggrieved workers.

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Her home, with its exquisitely ghastly marital bedroom, will be a masterpiece of garish luxury, the envy of her friends. Drame.

Directed by Mati Diop. In short, Diop is dropping hints that Atlantique might just encompass both the social-realist and the surreal. Humiliated by their debts and by their inability to support their families, Souleiman and a dozen of ‘the boys’ board a small boat and set sail for Spain. Variety and the Flying V logos are trademarks of Variety Media, LLC. Her personal capital as a beautiful, desirable young woman is greater than anything Souleiman can offer in terms of labour. Ada is trapped, too: her fiancé’s family insists that she go to a male doctor for a ‘virginity test’ before their wedding. Running time: 105 MIN. Among them is … In a popular suburb of Dakar, workers on the construction site of a futuristic tower, without pay for months, decide to leave the country by the ocean for a better future. The film is centered around a young woman, Ada, and her partner, Souleiman, struggling in the face of In the coming days, Ada falls under suspicion and is subjected to interrogations and a virginity test. Présenté en compétition au Festival de Cannes 2019, Atlantique y a remporté le Grand Prix. But Souleiman wants only to be with Ada. ATLANTIQUE - Les Marches - Cannes 2019 - VF - Duration: 24:12. But as she meets the other spirits, including one who possesses Fanta, she comes to understand and spends a last night with the new Souleiman. But even if Atlantique didn’t have that statistic in its favour, Mati Diop’s debut feature would still be remarkable: a haunting romance that begins as a stark portrait of class division in Senegal, but grows into something bracingly different and original, without ever losing its political focus.Its heroine is Ada (Mame Bineta Sane), a willowy young woman from a poor Dakar district who is supposed to be marrying a well-off playboy, Omar (Babacar Sylla), but who keeps sneaking away for tender seaside trysts with her soulmate Souleiman (Ibrahima Traoré). Le Grand Prix du Jury est attribué à Atlantique - Cannes 2019 - … Meanwhile, her friend Fanta, as well as the young detective are suffering from a mysterious illness. 24:12. Directed by Mati Diop. Festivals. “Atlantics” is based on her 2009 documentary short “Atlantique,” which screened at film festivals across the globe. But this doesn’t undermine the pertinent things it has to say about the contemporary developing world. Festival de Cannes 2019 - Grand Prix. Diop’s own uncle, Djibril Diop Mambéty, surveyed similar territory in 1973’s Touki Bouki, the only African entry in It’s best to watch the film without knowing the exact nature of that truth.

The increase in female voices comes at a time when the festival has been under pressure to highlight more work from women.Other titles debuting at the 2019 gala include Jim Jarmusch’s zombie comedy “The Dead Don’t Die,” Quentin Tarantino’s star-studded drama “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood,” and Pedro Almodóvar’s semi-autobiographical film “Pain and Glory.” It won several trophies, including the Tiger Award for short film at Rotterdam.“Atlantics” tells the story of a young woman from Dakar whose lover has mysteriously disappeared.

She is the first black woman with a film in the 72-year-old festival’s Competition section, and stands to be one of the biggest breakouts at Cannes this year.