Von Microsoft bereitgestellte Inhalte. Mir fehlt jedoch der Ansatz wonach ich suchen könnte.Und das Thema Server, Firmen-IT und alles drumherum findet hier im Forum überhaupt nicht statt. Are you saying that when you login to the one RDS server with a specific admin account that it logs you in with a temporary profile?Do you use User Profile Disks? Product news, reviews and know how for IT ProfessionalsFrom time to time I receive a call from the users telling me that they lost icons on their desktop. Log in to Windows, make sure that you have been logged to the temp profilee. Auch wenn das genannte Problem unter Windows 7/8.x auftreten k… We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. If so this is the cause as a UPD can only be attached to one server at a time, so if you have 2 (or more), Session Hosts, when the admin account logs in to 1 it gets the admin accounts UPD, when it logs in to the 2nd server it can't attach the UPD as it is in use already so that login gets a temporary profile.The only *fix* for this is to either disable UPD's entirely (not really a great option), or just always ensure you logout of each Session Host before logging in to another one.Do you use User Profile Disks? This person is a verified professional. Immer wieder kam diese Meldung. Das ganze läuft so bereits seit etwa einem halben Jahr ohne Störung. If you will log in to temporary profile again after a restart, you will have to resolve the problem with this tutorial. If so this is the cause as a UPD can only be attached to one server at a time, so if you have 2 (or more), Session Hosts, when the admin account logs in to 1 it gets the admin accounts UPD, when it logs in to the 2nd server it can't attach the UPD as it is in use already so that login gets a temporary profile.The only *fix* for this is to either disable UPD's entirely (not really a great option), or just always ensure you logout of each Session Host before logging in to another one. Fix temporary profile It's a script for fix temporary profile on Windows 7. Windows may boot in a regular profile. Vous pouvez suivre les étapes expliquées par Microsoft pour Windows 10 et pour Windows 7 ou 8.1. Usually Folder Signature is translated to whatever language you use.Thank you very much, it finally worked. Windows Server 2016 - temporary profile even in the administrator account.I have two: RD CB, RD GW, RD WA, File Serwer, one SQL (non internal db) and two RDS Hosts.Please help me, I searched in different places, tried different options, but either it does not work in my environment or something wrong doing,Track users' IT needs, easily, and with only the features you need.