Barbossa uses Blackbeard's sword to release the Black Pearl from its imprisonment in a bottle, and they attempt to use it to outrun Salazar. Later, it is revealed that Tia Dalma is actually Calypso. The fight is stopped by the sudden arrival of the Spanish. Edward Teague was an infamous pirate captain in the Caribbean and father of Jack Sparrow.A legendary pirate in his own right, Teague occasionally re-appeared in the life of his son Jack, who followed in his buccaneering footsteps. Obviously Jack Sparrow and Hector Barbossa are among them. "There can be no Conclave without..." "I know...without the 'great Captain Ammand'." She resurrected Barbossa to obtain his Piece, and rescued Jack because his Piece went with him to Davy Jones' Locker. She confronts Beckett in his office and holds a pistol to his head, forcing him to sign and validate his Letters of Marque, so she can use them to free Will.

Pirates of the Caribbean: ... Because Captain Jack Sparrow, Pirate Lord of the Caribbean Sea, never named a successor before being dragged to Davy Jones' Locker, Captain Barbossa, Will Turner, Elizabeth Swann, Tia Dalma, and the crew of the Black Pearl plot to rescue Jack.

After retrieving the tear, Blackbeard and his men leave Syrena tied up to die, while trying to bind Philip and bring him to the Fountain of Youth. Calypso, a sea goddess, needs all nine Pirate Lords to free her from a curse laid upon her by the original Brethren Court. Mistress Ching was a blind Pirate Lord during the time of Lord Cutler Beckett's attempts to eradicate piracy in the Caribbean.

Syrena kisses Philip and pulls him underwater. She resurrects Barbossa, who is also one of the Pirate Lords, and organizes an expedition to rescue Jack from Davy Jones's Locker.

Barbossa promises to go to land and retrieve Sparrow, but he and his crew double cross Salazar to team up with Sparrow, Henry Turner, and Carina Smyth, whom Barbossa seems to recognize. Elizabeth forgives him and urges him to join her, but he refuses. Her true motives for resurrecting Barbossa and Jack are unveiled when it is learned that both are Pirate Lords of the Brethren Court.

In the third film, it is revealed that Sparrow is one of the members of the Brethren Court, acting as Pirate Lord of the Caribbean. Pursued by Captain Salazar, she teams up with the crew and Captain Barbossa in order to find the Trident, using her diary and a ruby attached to its cover to locate its hiding place. They were known for creating the Pirate Code and binding the Sea Goddess, Calypso in human form.

The Spaniard, noting this, immediately shoots Groves, although noting his bravery. Ching was the lord of the Pacific Ocean, and was known to have traveled five of the Seven Seas.

Cutler Beckett was born in a wealthy family in the county of Somersetshire in Southern England. Meanwhile, Barbossa claims Blackbeard's magical sword, and, assuming command, leaves with Blackbeard's crew. Syrena refuses to cry, even under the threat of torture. They participate in the battle in Singapore against the East India Trading Company, and later join Barbossa's crew aboard the They were considered to appear in the fourth and fifth films, with their roles in the fourth being separated from each other, one aboard the She does not appear in any further films, and her final fate is unknown. This gives Sparrow, Carina, and Henry a chance to escape. According to the actor, he won't appear in any future In the first film, Gibbs appears as a petty officer in the Royal Navy, it is implied that he is the ship's boatswain as he is respected, very cynical, and drinks heavily which are stereotypes of a boatswain. Shortly after leaving Tortuga (where Elizabeth departs from the ship), Bellamy rescues Will Turner from the sea after the latter escapes from the After Carina Smyth and Jack Sparrow are captured in Determined to recover the three fugitives, Scarfield seeks out the sea-witch Shansa, who shows him the route to the Trident of Poseidon, where Jack, Carina and Henry are headed. He begs Syrena for her forgiveness. He later sails on In the fifth film, Scrum serves under Jack Sparrow but deserts him with the rest of the crew after an unsuccessful bank robbery in Just before the events of the second film, he orders Offscreen Groves is saved.

As to why she never appeared in any further films in the franchise, Saldana commented in a later interview that she almost quit acting due to an "elitist" business environment and disrespect from film crew.Both Elizabeth and the Governor sailed from England to the Caribbean eight years prior to Weatherby later appears as a ghost in Davy Jones' Locker, along with the souls of many others who have died at sea. Calypso, a sea goddess, needs all nine Pirate Lords to free her from a curse laid upon her by the original Brethren Court. Barbossa, believing her to be Bootstrap Bill's daughter, kidnaps her. When she asks what would happen if she refused to grant her favors, he suggests he would take them by force. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Wikia page further explains about first bretheran court,Contrary to the belief that the First Meeting of the Brethren Court

After being mortally wounded during the film's climactic battle, Philip returns to Syrena and frees her. Each has their respective "Pieces of Eight", the talismans necessary to free Calypso. He reached the Fountain of Youth with Barbossa and fought off Blackbeard's crew seeing his fellow officers and sailors being rapidly killed.

If he fails, she will kill him.

Pirate Lords.

Elizabeth escapes as Norrington is mortally wounded by Bootstrap. At Isla Cruces, Norrington, Sparrow, and Turner duel to claim Davy Jones' heart. She chastises him for abandoning his duty to ferry souls to the other world.

When he was born, he was a small, sickly baby that no one expected to survive, but he surprised his family by living. Shortly after Will departs, Governor Swann tries to help Elizabeth escape from captivity by arranging for a ship to take her back to England.