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As a young girl she worked in a factory, where she saved her money to pay for singing lessons.

Scrobbling is when Last.fm tracks the music you listen to and automatically adds it to your music profile. She was born in Avignon, Vaucluse, France, the oldest daughter of a poor family of fourteen children.

Get track Mireille Mathieu (born July 22, 1946) is a French singer, who besides being very successful in her own country, became a star of international stature, recording in several languages. Photo (P) & ( C)…

She began singing as a small child, appearing in public at the age of four, sin… She was born in Avignon, Vaucluse, France, the oldest daughter of a poor family of fourteen children. Get track

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Discovered by Johnny Stark, manager of France's biggest star at the time, Johnny Hallyday, she was tutor…

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MIREILLE MATHIEU – EMISSION SPECIALE – RADIO POLONAISE Le samedi 29 février, à 18 h 05, à la radio polonaise RdC (Radio dla Ciebie) l’émission est en direct  et intitulée  … Get track

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She began singing as a small child, appearing in public at the age of four, singing in her church.



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Le show initialement prévu le 10 Avril à SOFIA  a été reporté en raison du COVID  19 La nouvelle date est confirmée pour le 9 Décembre 2020Mireille remercie tout le public de Budapest , Varsovie et Prague pour ces merveilleux moments chaleureux remplis d’émotions au cours de ces 4 concerts .

Mireille Mathieu bogdanka55; 45 videos; 277,421 views; Last updated on Jun 22, 2014; Play all Share.

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Scrobbling is when Last.fm tracks the music you listen to and automatically adds it to your music profile.

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MIREILLE MATHIEU – EMISSION SPECIALE – RADIO POLONAISE Le samedi 29 février, à 18 h 05, à la radio polonaise RdC (Radio dla Ciebie) l’émission est en direct et intitulée …


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