GPS Coordinates (DMS) 48° 12´ 0.0000'' N 3° 16´ 59.9880'' E : Latitude: 48.20000: Longitude: 3.28333: Altitude: 72 m: Country: France: Map of Sens. Nous ne pouvons vous garantir un affichage optimal du site TER avec la version de votre navigateur, nous vous conseillons d'utiliser
Cookies: we use cookies for the functionality of and statistics - and take care of your personal privacy! Durée du voyage: 53 minutes. 89100 SENS.
Merci de saisir le courriel de votre compte client.Pour votre inscription, veuillez renseigner les champs ci-dessous :J’accepte de recevoir des informations de la part de SNCF Voyageurs SA - TER par Bénéficiez d’un espace personnalisé ! These direct trains cover the 100 km distance in an average of 1 h 11 m but if you time it right, some trains will get you there in just 55 m . Services The slowest trains will take 1 h 29 m and usually involve a change or two along the way, but you might be able to save a few pennies … There you find schedules and ticket prices with discounts. blog written by Flo Retrouvez vos billets, renseignez vos gares et itinéraires favoris, ajoutez vos compagnons et réservez vos voyages plus rapidement et simplement. 05h04. There is widespread community transmission globally. Horaires de Sens à Paris Bercy - … Buy your train ticket online via the booking links bellow. Just ask in our forum and get competent answers from our rail travel experts. CENTRE-VAL DE LOIRE. Services is the official European distribution channel of the French railways (SNCF) for online sales of high-speed and conventional rail travel throughout France and Europe: plan your journeys, book your train tickets and get inspired by our travel guides!
Book early to get inexpensive train tickets. Whether you travel regularly or occasionally, we can get you there. Possibilité de trains directs et de trajets avec 1 à 2 correspondances blog written by Katrin Le champ mot de passe doit contenir 8 caractères minimum et 20 caractères maximum. St Mammes. blog written by Flo 05h21.
Durée du voyage: 50 minutes. By the use of you agree to the use of cookies in accordance with our
Horaires d'ouverture. Buy your train tickets without extra fees easily and securely here. Vos horaires de train Paris (toutes gares) Sens en TER. To travel long distances between the big cities of France, use a TGV high-speed train.Trainline provides a very simple and comfortable booking system for train tickets in several countries like to/from/in Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, etc. Tarifs Horaires À PARTIR DE 8,40€ AVEC NOS TARIFS RÉDUITS. 1 Sens (France) - Paris (France) 101 km blog written by Peter.Freisberg Vos horaires de train Paris (toutes gares) Sens en TER. To travel from Sens to Paris by train, please read the following information.
Aide AUVERGNE-RHÔNE-ALPES. Votre trajet Sens/Paris à partir de 8,40€ avec nos tarifs réduits. Saver fares are available if you book early in advance.To travel in France by train, buy your ticket via the following booking links. Tarifs blog written by Flo blog written by Flo blog written by Katrin
Your travel route could be like that. GRAND EST. Gare : Du lundi au vendredi : de 4h15 à 23h30 ... Paris … Sens. Horaires de Sens à Paris Bercy - le 17 août 2020 à 14h00 . From Paris to Milan and Venice by Thello Night TrainInterrail reservation guide: TGV high speed trains in FranceNight Train from Paris to Moscow – the Transeuropean Express
Pont Sur Yonne. Montereau.
Durée du voyage: 53 minutes. Le champ mot de passe doit contenir 8 caractères minimum et 20 caractères maximum. Vos horaires de train Sens Paris Bercy Bourgogne - Pays d'Auvergne en TER. BURGUNDY-FRANCHE-COMTÉ.
Drive • 1h 17m. GREATER PARIS. 04h52. Sens is located in France. TER is a train and coach service operated by SNCF and regional governments across France. Date. There are other companies (Google, Yandex) which tools we have to use, which also place cookies. blog written by Peter.Freisberg Informations fournies par : 04h59. Consultez les horaires des trains entre Sens et Paris, ainsi que tous les arrêts et changements nécessaires pour votre trajet ! Votre trajet Sens/Paris à partir de 8,40€ avec nos tarifs réduits. Of the 27 trains that leave Paris for Sens every day 27 travel direct so it’s quite easy to avoid journeys where you’ll have to change along the way. Vous voyagez plusieurs fois par semaine ou par mois sur le même trajet? Loisirs